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rsxaiozea,e <br />Policy Number: Y -630 -6j482170 -TIL -18 <br />ers that the "occurrence" or offense may <br />result in sums to which the insurance <br />provided under this Coverage Part may <br />apply. <br />However, if this policy includes an endorse- <br />ment that provides limited coverage for "bod- <br />ily injury" or "property damage' or pollution <br />costs arising out of a discharge, release or <br />escape of "pollutants" which contains a re- <br />quirement that the discharge, release or es- <br />cape of "pollutants" must be reported to us <br />within a specific number of days after its <br />abrupt commencement, this Paragraph e. <br />does not affect that requirement. <br />UNINTENTIONAL OMISSION <br />The following is added to Paragraph 6., Repre- <br />sentations, of SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL <br />GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS: <br />The unintentional omission of, or unintentional er- <br />ror in, any information provided by you which we <br />relied upon in issuing this policy will not prejudice <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />your rights under this insurance. However, this <br />provision does not affect our right to collect addi- <br />tional premium or to exercise our rights of cancel- <br />lation or nonrenewal in accordance with applica- <br />ble insurance laws or regulations. <br />Q. REASONABLE FORCE - BODILY INJURY OR <br />PROPERTY DAMAGE <br />The following replaces Exclusion a., Expected Or <br />Intended Injury, in Paragraph 2. of SECTION I - <br />COVERAGES - COVERAGE A BODILY IN- <br />JURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY: <br />a. Expected or Intended Injury or Damage <br />"Bodily injury" or "property damage' expected <br />or intended from the standpoint of the in- <br />sured. This exclusion does not apply to "bod- <br />ily injury' or "property damage' resulting from <br />the use of reasonable force to protect any <br />person or property. <br />CG D4 56 07 13 © 2013 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 7 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />19 <br />