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Exhibit 1 <br />® A n breed Sacramento <br />of proro fessional <br />services firm <br />Ar(nieA4 Walnut Creek <br />Oakland <br />October 22, 2015 Los Angeles <br />The Honorable City Council Century aey <br />of the City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza Newport Beach <br />Santa Ana, California 92701 <br />San Diego <br />We are engaged to audit the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each <br />major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Santa Ana (City) for the year ended June <br />30, 2015. Professional standards require that we provide you with the following information related to our audit. <br />We would also appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this information further since a two -way <br />dialogue can provide valuable information for the audit process. <br />Our Responsibilities under U.S. Generally Accented Auditing Standards Government Auditing Standards and <br />OMB Circular A -133 <br />As stated in our engagement letter dated October 22, 2015, our responsibility, as described by professional standards, <br />is to express opinions about whether the financial statements prepared by management with your oversight are fairly <br />presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit of <br />the financial statements does not relieve you or management of your responsibilities. <br />In planning and performing our audit, we will consider the City's internal control over financial reporting in order <br />to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements and not <br />to provide assurance on the internal control over financial reporting. We will also consider internal control over <br />compliance with requirements that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program in order to <br />determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report <br />on internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A -133. <br />As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the City's financial statements are free of material <br />misstatement, we will perform tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and <br />grants. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions is not an objective of our audit. Also <br />in accordance with OMB Circular A -133, we will examine, on a test basis, evidence about the City's compliance <br />with the types of compliance requirements described in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular <br />A -133 Compliance Supplement applicable to each of its major federal programs for the purpose of expressing an <br />opinion on the City's compliance with those requirements. While our audit will provide a reasonable basis for our <br />opinion, it will not provide a legal determination on the City's compliance with those requirements. <br />Planned Scope, Timing of the Audit, and Other <br />An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial <br />statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the <br />areas to be tested. <br />Our audit will include obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment, including internal control, <br />sufficient to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and to design the nature, timing, <br />and extent of further audit procedures. Material misstatements may result from (1) errors, (2) fraudulent financial <br />reporting, (3) misappropriation of assets, or (4) violations of laws or governmental regulations that are attributable <br />to the entity or to acts by management or employees acting on behalf of the entity. We will generally communicate <br />our significant findings at the conclusion of the audit. However, some matters could be communicated sooner, <br />Macias Gini & O'Connell LLP <br />New MacArthur Court, Suite bbo <br />New 19F, —3 <br />Newport death, CA 92660 <br />