U. S. Department of Sustico
<br />OJ,J7ce afCornmvnity Oriented Policing Services
<br />201.5 COPS Hiring Program Grant Terins and Conditions
<br />Ely signing the Award Document to accept this COPS I firing Program (CHP) grant, the grantee agrees to abide by the following grant terns and conditions
<br />i, Grunt Owner's Mall aaL'Tbe grantee agrees to complywith the terms and conditions fu tine 2015 COPS If rang Program Oraut Owner's Mamlal; COPS statute (42
<br />U.S,C, §. 3796dd, etseq.); therequirenients oft U.R. Part 200 (UNtbnn Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal
<br />Awards) as adoptocl by the DOpnnntrun of Justice in 2 CER if 2800.101; 48 CFR Part 31 (PAR Pal 31) as applicable (governing cost principles aid procedures);
<br />representations rruule in tine C11P grant application; and all otiwr applicable program requirements, laws, orders, regulations, or circulars.
<br />2. AsslrrauSos and Certnlealious. The grnea acknowledges its agreement to comply with the Assurances mad Certifications farms that were signed as pat of its
<br />CHP application.
<br />3. A,Ilowubla Casts. The (trading under this project Is for the payment of approved fill] -time entrydevcl salaries and fringe benefits over three years (for a total of 36
<br />months of holding), ap to a maximum federal share of $125,000 per officer position for career law enforcement officer positions hired author rehired on or after the
<br />official grant award stmt date, Any salary mad fringe benefit costs higher than ormy-0evel that your agency pays a CHP - landed officer most be paid with local funds.
<br />Your agency is required to use CLIP grant funds for the specific hiring categories awarded. Funding under this program may be used for the following categories:
<br />a, Hiring now officers, which Includes filling existing officer vacancies that are no longer limited in your agency's budget,
<br />b. Rehiring officers laid off by mayjurisdlntion as a result ofstite, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) budget reductions; and/or
<br />e. Rehiring officers who were, at the time of grant application, scheduled to be laid off (by yeuriarisdietlon) on a specific future date as a result of stole, local, or BIA
<br />budget reductions.
<br />If your agency's local fiscal conditions have changed and your agency needs to change one or more of the funded hiring categories, your agency should request a post -
<br />award grant modification and receive prior approval before spending Cl IP ftmdung under the now category.
<br />The Financial Clcaaice Memorandum (FCM), included in your award package, specifies the anoint of CHP fluids awarded to your agency. You should carefully
<br />review your PCM, whieb contains the flued officer salary and itt'inge benefit categories and amounts for which your agency was approved, Music note Chat file salary
<br />and hinge benefit costs requested fn your CHP application may hove been adjusted or removed. Your agency may only be reimbursed For the approved east categories
<br />that are documented within the FCM, up to the amounts specified in the MA. Year agency may act nse CHP funds for any costs that are act Identified as
<br />allownble in the Fhmncial Clearance Memorandum,
<br />Only actual allowable costs incurred during the grant award period will be eligible for reimbursement and drawdo m If your agency oxpocionce$ any cost, savings over
<br />the course of the grant (for example, your grant application overestimated tile total entry-level officer salary and @Inge benefits package), your agency may not use that
<br />excess funding to extend the lougth of tire grant beyond 36 months. Any funds remaining after your agency has drawn down far the costs of appmvcd salutes and
<br />tiugo benoflts floured for Ouch awarded position during the 36- nionlh tntdmg period will be doobligated during the closeout process, and should not be spent by your
<br />agency,
<br />4. Local Maters. Orainces are required to contribute a local match of at least 251aoreem: towards the meal cost of the approved grant project, unless waived In writing
<br />by rite COPS OfYleo, The local match must be a cash match from funds not previously budgetod for law o foreement purposes and must be paid during Clio grain award
<br />period. The local match contribution must be made on an increasing basis durtrg each year of the three -year grant period, with the federal share decreasing
<br />accordingly.
<br />5, So molemeritil rtj;, Not SaUrinntine. ,State, local, or BIA ftmds budgeted to pay for sworn olYcer positions irrespective of the receipt of CHP grant fimdv may not be
<br />reallocated to other purposes or rcibnda its a result of a CHP gi mil being awarded Non- Pederal funds must remain avallable for and devoted to filet pnpose, with CHP
<br />funds supplementing these non-federal (Lads. Funding awarded cannot be obligated until after die grant mvard start date. This means that CHP limits cannot be applied
<br />In any agency cost or obligation incurred prior to die await start date. In addition, your agency must take active and timely stops pundmnt to its standard procedures to
<br />Tully flmdlew enforcement costs already budgeted as well as fill all locally - funded vaeanof" rosalt ig'0'om atsition doting the life of the grant.
<br />6. Retention, At the tulle of great nppliodion, your agency committed to retainhugill[ sworn officer positions awarded under Clio CHP grant with state and /or local
<br />finds fSor a minis me. of 12 aaonths following the conclusion of 36 mouths of federal hording for each position, over and above the number of locally -traded sworn
<br />officer positions that would have existed ht the absence of the grant. Your agency camrm satisfy the relcntionregnircment by ailing CHP- funded positions to fill
<br />locally -ftmded vacancies resulting fiont attrition,
<br />7. 14.1tall2long. Your agency may Wiliest an extension of the grant award period to receive additional time to hnplement your grant program. Such extensions do not
<br />provide additional fording, Grants may be extended a maxitaama of 36 months beyond We initial award expiration dale. Any request for an extension beyond M
<br />moaGas will be evaluated on a erase -by -case basis. Only those grantees that call provide a reasoanblejuatiEicmion for delays will be granted no -cost extensions.
<br />Rouonable JadtlBaflllons pray iucludo iflMd ltios in filling COP$- tuulad positions, officer turnover, or other circumstances that interrupt tie 36 -month green trading
<br />period. Am extension allows your agency to compensate for such delays byprovidtng additional time to comptce, the tilt 36 utolth; of'lunding for each position
<br />awarded. h4tcu.sion requests maul be received prim• to the end dam orthc award.
<br />S, iVEodlficailons. During the CHP grant awardpermill if may become necessary for an agency to modify its CIfP grant award due to changes in all agency's fiscal or
<br />law enforcement situation. Modification requests should be submitted to the COPS Office when as ngency determines tint it will need to shift i fFicer positions
<br />awarded in cue hfrill6 onfegory into a digbiw t hiring category, reduce the fond number of positions awarded, shift funds among benefit categories, anVor reduce the
<br />enty -level salary and t'infle benefit amounts, Far example, an agency may [lave been awarded CLIP grant thrilling for fen new, additional full-time sworn officer
<br />positions, but due to severe liquid, diatresa /constraints, the ngency determines it is unahle to sustain all tell positions and must reduce its request to five full -lime
<br />positions; or an agency may have been awarded Cl IP grant funding for two new, additional sworn officerposiiinns, but duo to fiscal distress /eostrainrs the agency
<br />needs to change flue hhhag category fi'um the new lire category to the rehire category for ofi7eers laid off or scheduled for lay -off on a specific future date post.
<br />application Gran) nnodffications under CHP are evaluated on it case -by -case basis. The COPS Office will only consider a modification request after an agency mains
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