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Station District For Sale Project completed and sold to qualified <br />homebuyers in FY 14/15. Final obligation to be <br />aid in FY 15/16. <br />Station District Lawsuit Settlement On-going; loans provided to two single family <br />(Lacy Fund rehabilitation projects. <br />VII. STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 33334.16 <br />Section 34176.1 provides that Section 33334.16 does not apply to interests in real property <br />acquired by the Housing Successor on or after February 1, 2012; however, this Report presents <br />a status update on the project related to such real property. <br />With respect to interests in real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency prior to <br />February 1, 2012, the time periods described in Section 33334.16 shall be deemed to have <br />commenced on the date that the Department of Finance approved the property as a housing <br />asset in the LMIHAF; thus, as to real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency <br />now held by the Housing Successor in the LMIHAF, the Housing Successor must initiate <br />activities consistent with the development of the real property for the purpose for which it was <br />acquired within five years of the date the DOF approved such property as a housing asset. <br />The following provides a status update on the real property or properties housing asset(s) that <br />were acquired prior to February 1, 2012 and compliance with five-year period: <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SANTA AN 7014/15 Page 5 <br />Deadlineto <br />Initiate <br />I <br />Date of <br />Development <br />Addressof Property415 <br />& 423S. Raitt St. <br />06/30/11 <br />02/14/18 ' <br />Tentative plan to sell property <br />to City for development as <br />open parks ace <br />Remnant parcels at <br />10/30/02 <br />02/14/18 <br />No development plans <br />Spurgeon & E. 22"d St. <br />542 E. Central Ave, <br />04/10/00 <br />02/14/18 <br />No development plans <br />720 E. 6t" St. <br />08/03/06 <br />02/14/18 <br />Tentative plan to sell property <br />to City for development as <br />open parks ace <br />714-E. 6"' St. <br />07/09/08 <br />02/14/18 <br />Tentative plan to sell property; <br />to City for development as <br />open parks ace. <br />710 E. 6t" St. <br />11/22/05 <br />02/14/18 <br />Tentative plan to sell property <br />to City for development as <br />open parks ace <br />801, 809 & 809'/2 E. <br />07/29/09 <br />02/14/18 <br />No development plans <br />Santa Ana Blvd. <br />826 N. Lac <br />07/29/09 <br />02/14/18 <br />No development plans <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SANTA AN 7014/15 Page 5 <br />