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<br /> <br /> <br />Project-based Voucher Program <br />HAP Contract for Existing Housing <br />Previous editions are obsolete <br /> HUD 52530B Page - 3 - <br /> of Part 2 <br /> (04/2015) <br /> <br />b. The purpose of the HAP contract is to provide housing assistance payments for <br />eligible families who lease contract units that comply with the HUD HQS from <br />the owner. <br /> <br />c. The PHA must make housing assistance payments to the owner in accordance <br />with the HAP contract for contract units leased and occupied by eligible families <br />during the HAP contract term. HUD provides funds to the PHA to make housing <br />assistance payments to owners for eligible families. <br /> <br />4. RENT TO OWNER; HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS <br /> <br /> <br />a. Amount of initial rent to owner <br /> <br />The initial rent to owner for each contract unit is stated in Exhibit A, which is <br />attached to and made a part of the HAP contract. At the beginning of the HAP <br />contract term, and until rent to owner is adjusted in accordance with section 5 of <br />the HAP contract, the rent to owner for each bedroom size (number of bedrooms) <br />shall be the initial rent to owner amount listed in Exhibit A. <br /> <br />b. HUD rent requirements <br /> <br />Notwithstanding any other provision of the HAP contract, the rent to owner may <br />in no event exceed the amount authorized in accordance with HUD requirements. <br />The PHA has the right to reduce the rent to owner, at any time, to correct any <br />errors in establishing or adjusting the rent to owner in accordance with HUD <br />requirements. The PHA may recover any overpayment from the owner. <br /> <br />c. PHA payment to owner <br /> <br />1. Each month the PHA must make a housing assistance payment to the <br />owner for a unit under lease to and occupied by an eligible family in <br />accordance with the HAP contract. <br /> <br />2. The monthly housing assistance payment to the owner for a contract unit <br />is equal to the amount by which the rent to owner exceeds the tenant rent. <br /> <br />3. Payment of the tenant rent is the responsibility of the family. The PHA is <br />not responsible for paying any part of the tenant rent, or for paying any <br />other claim by the owner against a family. The PHA is only responsible <br />for making housing assistance payments to the owner on behalf of a <br />family in accordance with the HAP contract. <br />3-14