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<br /> <br /> <br />Project-based Voucher Program <br />HAP Contract for Existing Housing <br />Previous editions are obsolete <br /> HUD 52530B Page - 7 - <br /> of Part 2 <br /> (04/2015) <br /> <br />8. CONDITION OF UNITS <br /> <br /> <br />a. Owner maintenance and operation <br /> <br />The owner must maintain and operate the contract units and premises to provide <br />decent, safe and sanitary housing in accordance with the HQS, including <br />performance of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. The owner must provide <br />all the services, maintenance and utilities set forth in Exhibits B and C, and in the <br />lease with each assisted family. <br /> <br />b. PHA inspections <br /> <br />1. The PHA must inspect each contract unit before execution of the HAP <br />contract. The PHA may not enter into a HAP contract covering a unit <br />until the unit fully complies with the HQS. <br /> <br />2. Before providing assistance to a new family in a contract unit, the PHA <br />must inspect the unit. The PHA may not provide assistance on behalf of <br />the family until the unit fully complies with the HQS. <br /> <br />3. At least annually during the term of the HAP contract, the PHA must <br />inspect a random sample, consisting of at least 20 percent of the contract <br />units in each building, to determine if the contract units and the premises <br />are maintained in accordance with the HQS. Turnover inspections <br />pursuant to paragraph 2 of this section are not counted towards meeting <br />this annual inspection requirement. <br /> <br />4. If more than 20 percent of the annual sample of inspected contract units in <br />a building fail the initial inspection, the PHA must reinspect 100 percent <br />of the contract units in the building. <br /> <br />5. The PHA must inspect contract units whenever needed to determine that <br />the contract units comply with the HQS and that the owner is providing <br />maintenance, utilities, and other services in accordance with the HAP <br />contract. The PHA must take into account complaints and any other <br />information that comes to its attention in scheduling inspections. <br /> <br />c. Violation of the housing quality standards <br /> <br />1. If the PHA determines a contract unit is not in accordance with the HQS, <br />the PHA may exercise any of its remedies under the HAP contract for all <br />3-18