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<br /> <br /> <br />Project-based Voucher Program <br />HAP Contract for Existing Housing <br />Previous editions are obsolete <br /> HUD 52530B Page - 11 - <br /> of Part 2 <br /> (04/2015) <br />family members to pay charges for meals or supportive services. <br />Nonpayment of such charges is not grounds for termination of tenancy. <br /> <br />2. In assisted living developments receiving project-based voucher <br />assistance, owners may charge tenants, family members, or both for meals <br />or supportive services. These charges may not be included in the rent to <br />owner, nor may the value of meals and supportive services be included in <br />the calculation of reasonable rent. Non-payment of such charges is <br />grounds for termination of the lease by the owner in an assisted living <br />development. <br /> <br />3. The owner may not charge the tenant or family members extra amounts <br />for items customarily included in rent in the locality or provided at no <br />additional cost to the unsubsidized tenant in the premises. <br /> <br />e. Security deposit <br /> <br /> 1. The owner may collect a security deposit from the family. <br /> <br />2. The owner must comply with HUD and PHA requirements, which may <br />change from time to time, regarding security deposits from a tenant. <br /> <br />3. The PHA may prohibit security deposits in excess of private market <br />practice, or in excess of amounts charged by the owner to unassisted <br />families. <br /> <br />4. When the family moves out of the contract unit, the owner, subject to <br />State and local law, may use the security deposit, including any interest on <br />the deposit, in accordance with the lease, as reimbursement for any unpaid <br />tenant rent, damages to the unit or other amounts which the family owes <br />under the lease. The owner must give the family a written list of all items <br />charged against the security deposit and the amount of each item. After <br />deducting the amount used as reimbursement to the owner, the owner must <br />promptly refund the full amount of the balance to the family. <br /> <br />5. If the security deposit is not sufficient to cover amounts the family owes <br />under the lease, the owner may seek to collect the balance from the family. <br />However, the PHA has no liability or responsibility for payment of any <br />amount owed by the family to the owner. <br />3-22