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<br /> <br /> <br />Project-based Voucher Program <br />HAP Contract for Existing Housing <br /> <br /> HUD 52530B Page - 3 - <br /> of Part 1 <br /> (04/2015) <br /> <br /> the time of initial HAP contract execution or any time prior to expiration of the <br /> contract. Any extension, including the term of such extension, must be in <br /> accordance with HUD requirements. A PHA must determine that any extension <br /> is appropriate to achieve long-term affordability of the housing or expand <br /> housing opportunities. <br /> <br />4. Requirement for sufficient appropriated funding <br /> <br />a. The length of the initial term and any extension term shall be subject to <br />availability, as determined by HUD, or by the PHA in accordance with HUD <br />requirements, of sufficient appropriated funding (budget authority), as provided in <br />appropriations acts and in the PHA's annual contributions contract (ACC) with <br />HUD, to make full payment of housing assistance payments due to the owner for <br />any contract year in accordance with the HAP contract. <br /> <br />b. The availability of sufficient funding must be determined by HUD or by the PHA <br />in accordance with HUD requirements. If it is determined that there may not be <br />sufficient funding to continue housing assistance payments for all contract units <br />and for the full term of the HAP contract, the PHA has the right to terminate the <br />HAP contract by notice to the owner for all or any of the contract units. Such <br />action by the PHA shall be implemented in accordance with HUD requirements. <br /> <br />e. Occupancy and payment <br /> <br />1. Payment for occupied unit <br /> <br />During the term of the HAP contract, the PHA shall make housing assistance <br />payments to the owner for the months during which a contract unit is leased to <br />and occupied by an eligible family. If an assisted family moves out of a contract <br />unit, the owner may keep the housing assistance payment for the calendar month <br />when the family moves out (“move-out month”). However, the owner may not <br />keep the payment if the PHA determines that the vacancy is the owner’s fault. <br /> <br />2. Vacancy payment <br /> <br />THE PHA HAS DISCRETION WHETHER TO INCLUDE THE VACANCY <br />PAYMENT PROVISION (PARAGRAPH e.2), OR TO STRIKE THIS PROVISION <br />FROM THE HAP CONTRACT FORM. <br /> <br />a. If an assisted family moves out of a contract unit, the PHA may provide vacancy <br />Previous editions are obsolete <br />3-7