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resolution. Notwithstanding the above, TriTech is not and shall not be a party to such third party <br />maintenance agreements nor shall TriTech have any obligation or liability thereunder, other than <br />as stated above. Client is responsible for maintaining licensing, including updates for System <br />Software. <br />13.4 Subcontractor Hardware and Software. The initial twelve (12) month maintenance <br />and support period for those Vendors identified in Addendum A-2 will be provided to Client by <br />the respective vendors as Subcontractors to TriTech. Client shall contact TriTech in accordance <br />with the procedures in the Software Support Agreement to report any errors or defects detected <br />with respect to such items. TriTech shall assist Client in determining the nature of the problem, <br />and will contact the appropriate Vendor for resolution. TriTech will follow-up with the <br />Vendor, and maintain contact with both the Vendor and Client to coordinate problem resolution <br />within a commercially reasonable time. Support and maintenance will be provided in <br />accordance with the respective Vendor's support and maintenance agreements, attached hereto at <br />Addendum C. At the conclusion of such initial annual maintenance and support period, annual <br />maintenance and support shall be subject to and provided in accordance with any maintenance <br />agreements between Client and the respective Vendors. TriTech shall not be a party to such <br />maintenance and support agreements. Thereafter, provided that Client maintains in force an <br />annual TriTech Software Support Agreement, Client may contact TriTech in accordance with the <br />Software Support Agreement, and TriTech shall provide Help Desk services to Client with <br />respect to the reported problem. <br />1.3.5 Equipment: Maintenance and support for all other Equipment sold hereunder is <br />not included under this Agreement. However, since proper computer equipment maintenance is <br />required for proper system operation, Client agrees to acquire and keep in force computer and <br />peripheral equipment maintenance agreements for the equipment used to operate the TriTech <br />Software or to provide such maintenance in-house with qualified personnel. If Client determines <br />that an item of Equipment provided under this Agreement does not perform as provided in the <br />applicable specifications, Client may, provided that a current Software Support Agreement with <br />TriTech is in force, contact TriTech using the procedures described in the Software Support <br />Agreement. TriTech shall thereupon provide Help Desk services to Client with respect to the <br />reported problem. Notwithstanding the above, TriTech is not and shall not be a party to such <br />third party maintenance agreements nor shall TriTech have any obligation or liability thereunder. <br />13.6 If, at any time after installation of the System, Client desires to load on a <br />Workstation or Server any software not provided by TriTech, it shall, before loading such <br />software, follow the procedures regarding third party software compatibility in the TriTech <br />Documentation, and contact the TriTech Customer Service Department at the telephone numbers <br />listed in the Software Support Agreement for assistance as required. Such action shall not <br />constitute approval, express or implied, for the loading of specific software on a <br />Workstation or Server, nor any express or implied warranty, representation or other <br />obligation by TriTech with respect to such software, including but not limited to its <br />suitability, operability or capability to meet Client's needs or expectations. Client agrees <br />that if the loading of such third party software degrades the performance of the System, Client <br />shall immediately uninstall such software. Client shall absolve, discharge and release TriTech <br />from any obligations or liabilities related to operation or performance of the System, the TriTech <br />Santa Ana System Purchase and Support Agreement <br />Copyright © 2015 TriTech Software Systems <br />Unpublished: Rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States <br />Page 20 of 104 <br />