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THIS ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT CHANGE THE MEMORANDUM. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY — COVERED <br />INDEMNITY CONTRACT <br />This endorsement indentifies coverage provided under the following: <br />BICEP MASTER MEMORANDUM OF LIABILITY COVERAGE <br />The following wording can be found in Section II, Definitions: <br />6. COVERED PARTY -- means: <br />f. Any person or entity holding a certificate of coverage duly issued by BICEP, as limited <br />therein ( "ADDITIONAL COVERED PARTY "). An ADDITIONAL COVERED <br />PARTY is not covered for claims arising from the ADDITIONAL COVERED <br />PARTY's sole negligence or for claims by another COVERED PARTY. <br />g. Any person, entity or organization to whom the COVERED PARTY is obligated by <br />virtue of a COVERED PARTY INDEMNITY CONTRACT to provide coverage solely <br />with respect to BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE arising out of: <br />i. Premises leased, used or occupied by the COVERED PARTY <br />ii. AUTOMOBILES leased or rented by the COVERED PARTY <br />iii. Equipment owned, leased, rented, maintained or used by the COVERED <br />PARTY <br />iv. Mortgagees of the COVERED PARTY; or <br />v. Property owners and property managers of property owned, leased, rented or <br />occupied by the COVERED PARTY, <br />vi. However, these COVERED PARTY INDEMNITY CONTRACT coverages do <br />not apply to: <br />aa. An OCCURRENCE which takes place prior to or after the COVERED <br />PARTY ceases to occupy the premise stated in the COVERED <br />INDEMNITY CONTRACT, <br />bb. Any structural alternation, new construction or demolition operations <br />performed by or on behalf of the COVERED PARTY <br />cc. Any PUBLIC ENTITY ERRORS AND OMISSIONS or EMPLOYMENT <br />PRACTICES. <br />h. The coverage set forth in subsection (g) immediately above will be limited to any limits <br />of coverage within the terms of the COVERED INDEMNITY CONTRACT or the <br />LIMITS OF COVERAGE within this MEMORANDUM, whichever is less, and will <br />apply in excess to any underlying insurance or the COVERED PARTY'S SELF - <br />INSURED RETENTION. BICEP will not be obligated for LIMITS OF LIABILITY <br />greater than that provided by this MEMORANDUM. <br />edgy. <br />PSG <br />712014 Ed BICEP MOC Attachment Page 1 of I <br />