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EXHIBIT H <br />WALNUT PUMP STATION i)TZ,1F`T CONTROL STRATEGY <br />DRAFT OPERATIONAL, SETTINGS <br />General <br />A. Walnut Pump Station eommunicates with over to wircicss data link. The existing PLC is <br />used to monitor and control Well 29 and the [v1G' D Vauit (SA -2). The hardwired signals between <br />Well 29, SA -2, and the IValaut Purap Station wilt be replaced with a fiber optic data link. The <br />existing R ft.i wvitl also be replaced and intoga -ated into the existing radio system, The PLC hardware <br />components for Well 29 and SA -2 will be provided by others; however, the programming and <br />integration ol't'hese units shall be the responsibility oPthe I'C'S integrator. <br />B. This suction provides a general description of control strategies provided for bidding purpows, <br />%4odif to these sdratcgic.s arc anticipated and shall be provided as al functional spec:ificatiou <br />to the Contractor prior to initiating PCS program development. <br />C. The PCS system will be configured such that operator sctpoints and pump ditties can be act and <br />changed by an Operator either at the Central HMI in the utility's administration building, or at the <br />Local Station HIv11, Both HM1s are to he operate in parallel and be configured for both monitoring <br />and control, The PLC is to accept the most recent Operator set value/ hrstructions entered from <br />either location. The PLC is to update both II.Mls such that they ahvays display the current <br />operational values and setpoints. <br />CI, 11'eoanantinicatipns with Central, is lost, the station is to maintain automatic operation, using the last <br />entered operator setpoints, The functionality of the Local I-1tdii is to he unaffected by this loss of <br />communications, <br />F. The control stra wgics are divider] into three sections:. <br />hardwired functions: Provide hardwired ftinctions that are implemented independent of the <br />PLC, using relays, field contacts, panel switches, and other hardware devices. <br />1 PT.0 Functions. Implement these functions by configuring the PLC sof1wnre. Automated <br />pumps and valves will oporate in both a computer manual, and Auto mode unless otherwise <br />stated. Provide pop -up windows for Autrrf'vlanual <br />3. IIMI FunoGons; Implement. these functions at the Local 111\41 (Operator Intet-facc'Tcrtrainal). <br />If General Hl'<'I1 <br />A. Where HMI is referenced in the strategy, this refers to the Local JINi1 at the pump station. <br />B. It is the responsibali y o1` the PCS Contractor to ensure the I -.real HMI will function as specified <br />with the starliora PLC. <br />C. Local IIN11 display graphics <br />City of Sa a a P6 15 -1 p5 <br />