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Network Sam ices 'terms C Condotons North Amenor (Val. OVOM) <br />Contidenlinl <br />cogent <br />1. SIlRVIC'hSANt}TRRM. <br />1.,1, Purmuant td Ile CSA, Calculi will pravidc the SGCVICes to Cuslnnaer for <br />the Service charges, Customer's slgnaiure on Ilia Carder Form or use of the <br />Service or MOUNT Network constitutes its 3Aknowledgenent and <br />ngrocTrpntto he hound by the CSA. Capitahecd wrnls are deftmed at the <br />end. of(heate Terms. <br />1.2, Each Sur` iw's Initial 'Perm is mdlanteal on the applicable Order <br />Farm. Customer will be declined to ba)c accepted The Service as of ilia <br />Service Date At the end of The Initial "Garin, the CSA will Tani fot . <br />succemsiva ide wwnl'rerms equut in length In the libool Tern Hitless and <br />until terminated as provided here ITT <br />U, Cusionxor may order additional Services or locations in North <br />Amerien through additional Order Forms, which will [)a governed 6y tilts <br />CSA- Cunnrmaf's account must he current in order to make ahan ges to <br />services or caderaddthonel Services.. <br />Z. FA'tRVFC1i CItaA11ORa ANn l4tl.[.iNC,L <br />23. Service charges are on the Order Form and do not inetudc applicable <br />'faxes ones So indicated. New 8eivicca or upgradeslrclooations will <br />result in additional feesMilples, If It prior Service location remains <br />Installed after a new Somice location is installed. Customer will be <br />responsible Par Service charges for Kali Service locations until tulrninured <br />as provided far each 5erviou. <br />2.2: IIIYO1Cex are sent munlbly in EINTEue. CasYmne agrei^n to any all <br />4hareuC and 'applieable'Faxesl far the Service upon rMatini tit' the invotec <br />without towuenclainlsilt-off or deduction- A late charge Mind] be added to <br />Customer's past due balance of tine lesser of 1,5% per month or the <br />Aa voini m tpold rate- COGENT only champs the speaillullo is, "terror or <br />charges for the Servico for any upcoming Rattewal 'farm by providing <br />'Costomor at least sixty (tin) days advance wt4[Tell notice. Custiwner agrees <br />Kist its eblitaklolit io pay Service 011a1903 and Taxes Antler INS CSA shall <br />srrviv4 the termination T tauC.S,A, <br />11 Customers, claiming tax cxa rr tion nu st provide f',00LNT with it <br />property executed exemption farm. <br />3. S[ inV (CI ?tIN &ANlhlitt,,,.(11'T(tlfl. <br />3, t, Custnnaer's use al'Cl[3FsGNT's Sotviae& an Network may only Ua far <br />lawfgl proposes and Trust 0inply with COGUNI ' s AIJA'. 'I Toulon I isli ant <br />any tooeririi in viulaboal ofany low, agubuioto err tike ALIT' is strictly <br />pnahr'hdad, Accoss to other notwod s connected to CO(,L l''s Network <br />must comply wilt ;Sault other nuE'woldta' IOUs, Only C:uslomes "hare <br />service location ram Set Cordi on the Oiling FOrn) is a C(Xibnff -owned M <br />Muriel nalintd dean center may rased COGENT 's, Dedicated Internet <br />Aci, Service lh k not any other Service. offered In such location). <br />Cameroon; located in any other service location rally Tract resell their' <br />Service, in shoe grill purl: <br />12. COGENT'; obligations and Castolncr s exclusive Icrnediem for <br />failure of COGFNT'v Network ar any Service are stated in The GC'X'RNI IT <br />SC,A. <br />4, jjlljiA1'�. <br />U. Prior to the Service Dftwe COGENT slap tarnl(nma lhu CSA it not <br />approved by COGENT coijOinve management raeludrng credit chock}. <br />COGID41" also ntry raSVim. suspend at tcnninac the CSA. Cultural use <br />oP or access to alt)' Servica, or both, at any time if (a7 Customer' is In <br />material breach of tl'ie CSA (including bat Hot tinted Lo the AUP) Ind, in <br />C'OGi,NT's sale 'judgment, air iaamed'lata rnsairoon or susl,senslon is <br />wounary to protect die COGENT NxovvHk or COGFN7.,s ability e <br />provide services to other eusetncr5, or N Customer's account is unfaid <br />sixty (60) darn after date of rnvoiec: or icf COGF"NT atciliuca at <br />U Colloid Communications, Inc. 3008 <br />NETWORK SERVICES <br />TERMS & CONDITIONS <br />NORTR AMERICA <br />Cussi Irnxalon are unavailable, (i,e, no connectivity and building <br />access). <br />4,2, Either Par If limy terminate the CSev pt)ai the and (if an hanal'I'Coup <br />or Renewal l e t nl by pal.widing ilia other Parry with at [cast thirty LsO days <br />prior vainer crown (notices povided during a monthly Renewal Term will <br />ill)[ Ve effective until tire and of the rest month I[,e„ notice received April <br />20111 is vFbutive Jura, or (b) except as othenelse stated herein, dining <br />an initial Tarn or Ranawad Turn, If the other Putty breuches are, nxaerial <br />term or condition of des CSA and fads to cure such breach xothirt thrity <br />(30) days ahoy tecclllT of wriIIeni notice or die siroc. <br />4,3, It's Service is tarminifod prior to the Scrvk M Dade, Customer shall <br />pay COGENT far all Initial Costs Rir such Service. If the Servioe is <br />terminated after the Service Data, Customer shall pay COGENT (a) lie the <br />Service up through Ale dine of elanillntlon: and tb) except in dtc case at' <br />Termination by [Customer as pruviah:d in 'r Itfjj4,2_ above, or by <br />COGI T due to loss of conndclivily or building access at Customer's <br />bulldingjs) under Sgetyol 1,(g) above, [he tnttldl Costs (onlase nlraady AT <br />paid) and Ilia Ten)unammn Canoga. Customer ecknuwlGdges tort overuse <br />actual damwge;: to COG71,11` closed by catty termination or a Servioe <br />order are uncertain and would be difficult to determine, the Parndnation <br />Charge IS u rtasrwable liquidated diuretic and E not a penalty. Any <br />reconnections of the Saviec shah aesuat Ili uddifi nil vM n ies tion charges <br />to Cuslonwi- al C:OGENT's Ihempravailing nines, <br />4.4. II'Custonva ttutkultx in any of its payment uhlro awns under the CSA, <br />Custotaor agroax In pay COORN C's rceuradev uxpenaes, including brat <br />not invited to front and tellealion agency Pecs, Incurred ox COGENT In <br />eniixcinp, Its nlghLs. All temirlution lr boas by Cstomer misr toe san <br />separately for each Service (tnelladntg Terminating one Service location <br />allay a Service is switched In a new Service location) mid must Ile sent to <br />lei ronacogello o.coin- <br />5. DISCLAIMER OP GYA tt V' Y, A dN ON OF LtAli 4'r Y, <br />5d, EXCC'iP'P AS C)TI {ttpV15ti 778PRI S51YS1;F PfaIfLII HLItISIN,'rHR SPR49 t:Fs <br />Altai PIIOV)OIX °AS 11 ° ANT) NI:111 rR e'(tCRN'I' NOR ANY' OP ITS VROVII)HIO, <br />LICENSORS, OFFIt 1 ITS, Ehi P1,0YUS, Olt AOPN "iS MAKER ANY wARITAN1'Y, <br />C'O41arr(ON OIE (d0 \R1N1'RF'. tWli'It RCSPIiC'I` "PCl'I'(fF 51 nil ICES On AS'TO t 'I IT <br />USULTS It) AE Oa'1'AINaO I'ROM TILE USE Oil 111h SERVICES, UNOh"R THIS <br />f15A Olt O'I'UPSRWI$T_ '1'PoI SFRVTEIG9 ASU' PURCI "IA$RO WI'PFl K*Ji'XWi tits Flt OP <br />PHIS 14AitILAN'Lf LIM1Td1'ION. CY)Ot.NT LtPItF „S$LY IJISChAI'hlti ALL L7 "f lIpat <br />o MUorryla5, CONDITIONS Olt OUARANYEPS OF ANY RIND, lil'rNLR <br />NXi'RP58 OR INIPLi riO, [N(:ECsY'}FNCI, mitt' N(TI' I..I4n'la?O'rD ANY \VRRItaA M'Pl}T.` <br />Olt CONDITIONS OF .v{FStMIANYAa'ILITY, NONHNtkINUaht CN'r, <br />SATISFACTORY O11ALPl'Y, ANUIUR TI NUTS tor: A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br />COUPTIF DOLE NOT NOWITOR. ANT) OWILAIMA All IAAIvLI1'Y AND <br />R ESPONSILAILIFY FOR, THE CONTENT OF AN)' COMMUNICI'I'ION <br />'1 'RAN SMI pro 1) DY CI SLONLEit DR 01111:1t5, Art 1) OIS'CLAISib` ALL 1, AREA TV <br />ANll IERSPON51n ILITY FOR UNAUTRORIZED USE, OR AFI USIt OF HU: <br />SFRvWES <br />9.2. Wrflrul'l 1110 "tU)1C Il TO Olt LIMITING Oil C"L OEXT- 9.RICPrt 1'0 ROCFIVE <br />PAYMENT FOR C1 S, COOEN'I'S m rmL I. ARELDl FOR ALL CLAIMS CIF <br />W91AII lLit NA'I'tiltl (IACf.49)1NO CI tiMS aASCIR {)M NI (i1.C(ia'tNt'lii RItiSING <br />OUT OP 'Tax ATORETalWaT AND ALL 011MR,4 'AMWTLN C'. Olunikoll AND <br />CUOGN'r„ ANT) 111H PYUNIRf, II4 C OOFNI' OF FACA.II'IFS, T'IGIMShII.SSION, <br />DATA. NERVI:PS OR EQUfPMEN1 INCLON)INU, mini NOT LratlTaD In, <br />OAN 1l 1x 11) anAIIPERSONAI, PROPERTY, RHALI NLYF FYCITAIr rtit. L.CSSCllr <br />ul (A)111H ANIOUNI PAID nY c[JA'rOW1IiR POtt THb SPRARC'G Air lapry N Tim <br />PRIOR SIX (G) MQIII I IS '1'O Tilt ACTION GIVINUI RIFE 10 THE CLAIM, OR <br />{LOON`@ 1ANDREi '1'HOUSANO OULAR'S T:61(1(,Frjfl 0) IN t'tan'AI.; <br />y,3jQY,l4tit, litL LAER, TFIAF 11IF IOITInUO1NG LIN11'I'A11ONS SILAI.L NOT <br />APPLY I OR PEXH1 OR VIIRSSONAI, lNAJRY CAUSER n)' COOEMI', r1R FOR ANY <br />Ifige I of 3 <br />Cogo-ntComnnmicntieals, Inc, 1011 tit" St., NW., Wtoli n noiy 1) C , .20007 W2.295 4200 Xt1i2' kaSPntfu.e9lll <br />C'ustoM Sv" ” <br />