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Nekvgrk Services Terms R Conditions Willi Amenca (Vol 02/08) <br />C'unfidantial <br />1lLUJI110N.4 <br />ii Cogent Commanicallorm Inc. 2008 <br />AUP COCIENT`s Acceptable ❑se Policy as posted by COGENT tcurronlll at or _ppwus, urrricfl ohm hcluss(poI rryd)IIIf <br />COOLN "I" Iesarven the right III nmentd its AMP at any Lane. eNecove upon poahng olh fire C'Y1OGN "I" welime- <br />COGENT Cogent Cummunicohrmx, Ile cn its auhsodlarier ar affdiahas. <br />COGENT 'I'Ite a lacommummoiws network and uoRVUrk aenryaonants 0%ci operated or ennlrallerl by COGFIN'f, including COGENT "s <br />Network fiber backbone, men'opolitun fihcr nctwodt., any equipinam con eutc l ir, suu111'iber, and the sollkan a, darn and know - how^ uasd <br />by C0GUN'r to provide the Services. where COGGNr scivares It building through Its usvn recdhics the COGEN -I Network <br />li th,,me Iuailifee_ The C:OGFINI Nedi uk does nor include costumer premisos equipment, culaume'm de red telephony <br />andante, and lily nslworks ill natwook aqugslnonh our nptailatl anti controlled by COGENT. <br />Customer ('ratumer idealdred in [lie attached Ordm Palm. <br />C5A 'file entire Cuahntter Subscriber AgractI Ixtir"tn COGENT and Customer fot proviniolr of the Service, conscring II dw <br />Order Form, the'l erin,, Ike applicable product rider and the SL.A. <br />Equipment Customers equipmell, idany_ <br />Norse r1a nna Caasus lrcyondal'any's cantor, indusling but not limited tu, acts nfOsxt, lire. axplotaon: vulalalisnL p,bk cut; strmn, flood m'uthur <br />sunder ucctnr ille -R, ally Iaoq order, regulation, dlre Dlial action ur requera of silty Is vemramit, including fcdvat, state, pmvincini, <br />municipal and local revoarnnunia Cluhning jurixliotiun oecr it Parly mr the gcpl Do, or of any deprn linen I, agenq, comn tsion, <br />bureau, corporator, or other' insfunientahtF If air)' goer govitur 1cra. ar oJ, ally Civil ill' Illhnffi'/ authUrfty- IliItarill clnargenti ICS. <br />umavadobihty, of materials or nghis -ot -way, msurareouni lints, lerronsr acts or wars f<lepVaretlhurtledareti}. or lalfev. lock -mss, <br />evork stoppages, ar other labor diffialltica supplier fmlures, shatyss, hreraohes or dciay -s, <br />Isdtln6 Courts CircrePCr of (a) tosaillutlnt i'aes (d' our pirld)1 or (b) all Baird -party calls, and dhai,,mi mottled by or charged to CCIGLr,N I oil <br />belwlf of Castor viol fill the Service, utaladmg bet nal hotted to Meal 10011 toes, crovwunnavxl charges, and wmnng Coca. <br />Initial Term Initial Iungfh of term foe the Services as indicated on {Eder Pore. <br />Landlord C Shaun ur's landlord, building mwnor or propery /telecom mnawgec <br />Lasses Color, fees, II slid aces, hoses, damages 0r ponal Lies, Il eIudtag eeasninbla legal tee > - <br />OrdorForm Cover form to which there 'frum ore at reefed, Vdenflyiag die spae fie Serciuefs) Lr be delivered. <br />Party or parties COGUN"f nodhrc Cast,muct <br />Rariewal Term Subsequent langlh ofwam bar the Services LOU eumplahnn nfthe h n[d Tenn <br />service( Handwldtli services li ided by COGENT Linder the Culaanar Subit i Arer eir recmcnt. <br />service Date Earlier of date on which (il) CU(yNT darns title the Service Is available Cur L. Uslolli m'c at other the (2001i.N1- dehnod <br />dcmarrmimh point or laae;availablc test point or (b) Cuuimncr first uses (hr. Service or the COGENT Nebmrk. <br />SI „A Thu Servlete Laval Agreclneut as posed by COGINI' (aammniy It IImvua Ig nI tar Customer's spceihla Sclvtce(s) <br />COGI'N'f rvsarves the right to,lmcod lire Service SEA., at any time, ellovi ve opou posting no Ire COfEN'r webslie <br />Space Rented reels aloes Goat COGEN "1. it ally_ <br />Tax or Taxes All taxes at stlrg, bt am jurisdiction. itarkrding without Iumration all stills", use, more gra*v receipts, value itdded, access, <br />bypass, 1'rancittse, releednumuniuutlnnx, property ( Ion co,kiomion coffim era), consumption, or other taxes, lees, duties, charges <br />or sa dlarges (however derignmed) which lire naposad on nr bused nn III provision, sale mr use nl'thc Sorvica(s). inchal <br />such taxes Imposed dlreel) an CO(;li:Nr or hit vlu h COGENT is pertnlued to mvaiem CuNODUfr in connection with <br />COGFN "1 "s porformana under Lire CSA. 1'ases do nor fnaludc COGENT's IIIDmlle tnxos <br />'['erndnatiun $hrgle Payment e,pusl ur one third -parry cancellation charges and the rural remaining dollar voice or [lit npphlyr e service <br />Charge order thrnngh Ile Initial Penn or Renewal Cenn, as applicable. <br />'fmrus <br />'I earns tad condiUnns dua apply to the Services COMWI' provides to C'llstomur <br />d <br />Page 3 of3 Customer v <br />Crtgpnt C;onununications, are 81153E "SI, N:W_ Washington, G.C, 20007 202 203 4200 wax cc L gicv +c=fn}a <br />