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INSURANCE &OT ON FILE <br />ORK MAY _NQIPHOCEED <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />DATE: CIL 7, 4 -1 <br />LICEMSE ANI) MABRAMLY AQU&ME-NI <br />THIS into this _9,., day of September, 2014 by and between <br />ffaftm Incorporated, a Qjifurait oorporatiou, and the City nf Santa Aria, a <br />-charter city and municipal corporation organized and existiriguirdw the Constitution and laws, oftho StAte <br />of Calif6tnia,(herobiriflier <br />A, 'Qoratraeor manufactures and stal)s the Hadronax smaItCover Montoring aril Alarm Systern <br />(IiMinager "Smartcovor"), ddWpod to provide an alerting System for sewer systems, overflow <br />and encroachment. <br />B. My has purchased and installed SmartQoYar equipmod provided by Hadronex-and now dcaires <br />to purchase SmartCover site trioniforing services. <br />C. Contractor represents that it is able and willing to provide such geryteos to, the City; <br />0. in undertaking the performance of this Agreement, Commuter represents that it is <br />knowledgeable in it$ field and that any services performed by Contractor under this Agreenleet <br />will be.p; rned ompliaw .. ith <br />i9q 0,W 4uchstand4rds as may. reasonably be expected from a, <br />professional firm in the RoK <br />NOW THEREWORE, in consideration of the irtutnall and respective promises, and subject to the <br />tern -is and oire 0ons 4 aft � h, the parties agree as follows: <br />.di erein.. orgetfbrt <br />1; SC40 P.E 0Jr SERVICES <br />Contractor shall provide act #ve szte rzl4tlitvr ugserViaes for all t.orrestrial and satellite <br />Smartcoyers i4statlod in thn City of Santa Ana; as set fara-i <br />by than reierenee, Contractor will,pro.vido millostall additietial SreartCovers, at the request of City and at <br />During the term of this Agreement, City shall retala tbeoption to <br />Purchase extended. warranty aerVioas firr4l SmartCovers installed in the City, at the wezrality rates got <br />forth in Exhibit A. <br />21 COMPENSATION <br />,a, City agroato pay, and Coritrrimpr agrees W acoopt as total paytivret for iMmrvicaa, the rates <br />and charges ideritified In Wait A. The total Sian to be upOurfed mdertlu's Agreement shall not exceed <br />S75,000,'anturadly,.during the terra of t1iis Agreement, <br />F,. Payment by Citysizail be made within tlurtY (30) days' follawingreaeiptoft >roptvrinvaicc <br />evidnoeing work performed, subject to City, accounting procedures. Payment need, not be caade for work <br />which fails to meet the.atandardsof performance set the Rt("jta:Is which may reasonably he <br />oxpectod by, City; <br />3. Trkm <br />This Agreement, shall commence on the data first written above and tormlijaw on Ilinp 30, 2017, <br />or until funds are exhawted or wilo8a eadier tormrnated as provided herein. This agroorneut may be <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />1 <br />25G-5 <br />A-2014-212 <br />