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NS-2893 - Approving a Development Agreement for Property Located at 2001 East Dyer Road...
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NS-2893 - Approving a Development Agreement for Property Located at 2001 East Dyer Road...
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Last modified
2/23/2016 3:30:38 PM
Creation date
2/23/2016 10:03:33 AM
City Clerk
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5.5 Processing Fees. All fees and charges intended to cover City costs <br />associated with processing development of the Property, including, but not <br />limited to, fees and charges for applications, processing, inspections, plan <br />review, plan processing, and /or environmental review, which are existing <br />or may be revised or adopted during the term of this Development <br />Agreement, shall apply to the development of the Property. <br />5.6 Amendments or Additions to Citywide Fee Programs. This <br />Development Agreement shall not preclude the inclusion of and changes <br />to fee programs, taxes whether special or general, or assessments <br />(hereafter collectively referred to as "fees ") adopted by the City after the <br />effective date of this Development Agreement, which shall be applicable to <br />the Project or the Property provided that they (1) are standard fees <br />applicable to all development in the City (although actual fee rates may <br />vary within the City where bona fide Citywide fee zones have been <br />established), (2) are not applicable primarily or only to this Project, or (3) <br />are not imposed to either (a) mitigate, offset or compensate for Project <br />impacts which were analyzed in the environmental impact report prepared <br />for the Project, or (b) duplicate any project design features conditions of <br />approval, agreements, or mitigation measures contained in this <br />Development Agreement. <br />5.7 Open Space. All common area open space on Lots A and B of Vesting <br />Tentative Tract Map No. 17962 must be built in the first phase. <br />5.8 Phasing of Project. The parties agree and acknowledge that the Project <br />may be built in three (3) phases, but that, except as otherwise expressly <br />stated herein, all conditions and mitigation measures shall be <br />implemented as part of the initial phase; provided, however that Owner <br />may propose to delay to the second phase on -site conditions (e.g., <br />sidewalks) that could be damaged by future construction. Additionally, <br />Owner shall build all private streets and the central park in the first phase. <br />Prior to issuance of the first building permit for the Project, Owner shall <br />submit a proposed Phasing Plan to the City, for review and approval by <br />the Executive Director of the Planning and Building Agency. The <br />proposed Phasing Plan shall contain those items Owner deems <br />necessary, but shall include the timing for first and second phase <br />construction and interim site improvements (i.e., landscaping, internal <br />circulation) between the phases. The approved Phasing Plan must be <br />implemented within six (6) months after completion of the first phase (i.e., <br />issuance of first Utility Release). Generally, the phases shall proceed as <br />follows: <br />Phase I <br />The first phase of the project would consist of 335 apartment homes within <br />two five -story apartment buildings wrapping a parking structure. This <br />13 <br />
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