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as appropriate; and penalties for unauthorized artifact collecting or intentional disturbance of <br />archaeological resources. <br />Mitigation Measure CUT, -2: Prior to issuance of any Grading Permit, the City Engineer and the <br />Building Safety Manager shah confirm that the Building Plans and specifications stipulate that in <br />the event archaeological and /or paleontological materials are encountered dining the course of <br />grading or constriction, the project contractor shall cease any ground disturbing activities within <br />50 feet of the find, The qualified archaeologist and/or paleontologist shall be immediately notified <br />to evaluate the significance of the resources and recommend appropriate treatment measures. Per <br />California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15126.4(b)(3), project redesign and <br />preservation in place shall be the preferred means to avoid impacts to significant historical <br />resources. Consistent with California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section <br />15126,4(b)(3)(C), if it is demonstrated that resources cannot be avoided, the qualified <br />archaeologist shall develop additional treatment measures in consultation with the City, which <br />may include data recovery or other appropriate measures. The City shall consult with appropriate <br />Native American representatives in determining appropriate treatment for unearthed cultural <br />resources if the resources are prehistoric or Native American in nature, Archaeological and/or <br />paleontological materials recovered during any investigation shall be curated at an accredited <br />curational facility, The qualified archaeologist and/or paleontologist (depending on the type of <br />resource identified) shall prepare a report documenting evaluation and/or additional treatment of <br />the resource. A copy of the report shall be provided to the City and to the South Central Coastal <br />Information Center and /or Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County depending on the <br />type of resource identified. <br />Mitigation Measure CUL -3: If excavations in excess of ten feet below ground surface are <br />required, written evidence shall be provided to the City's Planning and Building Agency prior to <br />receipt of any grading /excavation permits that a qualified paleontologist pursuant to the standards <br />of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (S VP) has been retained to review all geotechnical <br />investigations and City approved construction design plans for the proposed proj ect, Based on <br />geotechnical findings and the constriction design plans, the qualified paleontologist shall <br />determine an appropriate monitoring plan for excavation of areas in excess of ten feet below <br />ground surface. The monitoring plan shall include procedures for paleontological resources <br />surveillance, and procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, <br />identification, and evaluation of the fossils as appropriate. <br />If evidence of subsurface paleontological resources is found during excavation, all construction <br />activity in the area shall cease and the construction contractor shall immediately contact the <br />qualified monitoring paleontologist and the City of Santa Ana Executive Director of the Plamrnig <br />and Building Agency. The qualified paleontologist shall evaluate the find; and if warranted, shall <br />prepare and complete a standard Paleontological Resources Mitigation Program for the salvage <br />and curation of identified resources. <br />The Heritage Mixed Use Nofacl 28 ESA 1140730 <br />5tatament of Facts and Findings September 2015 <br />