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CHAPTER 4 <br />Mitigat <br />Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />Pursuant to Section 21081,6 of the Public Resources Code and the CEQA Guidelines <br />Section 15097, a lead agency is required to adopt a monitoring and reporting program for <br />assessing and ensuring compliance with the required mitigation measures applied to a proposed <br />project for which an EIR has bean prepared. As stated in the Public Resources Code <br />(Section 21081.6(a)): <br />the public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made <br />to the pwJect or conditions ofproject approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid <br />sign(facant effects on the environment." <br />Section 21081.6 provides general guidelines for implementing mitigation monitoring' programs <br />and indicates that specific reporting and/or monitoring requirements, to be enforced during <br />project Implementation, shall be defined prior to final certification of the EiR, The lead agency <br />may delegate reporting or monitoring responsibilities to another public agency or a private entity, <br />which accept such delegation. The lead agency, however, remains responsible for ensuring that <br />Implementation of the mitigation measures occur in accordance with the program, <br />The mitigation monitoring and teportin.g program table below lists mitigation measures that are <br />required to reduce the significant effects of the proposed project. To ensure that the mitigation <br />measures are properly implemented, the mitigation monitoring and reporting program provide the <br />following information: <br />• Mitigation Measure(s): The aetiou(s) that will be taken to reduce the impact to a loss. <br />than- signifrcantlevel. <br />• Implementation, Monitoring, and Reporting Action: The appropriatc steps to <br />implement and document compliance with the mitigation measures, <br />• Responsibility: The agency or pxivato entity responsible for ensuring implementation of <br />the mitigation measure, However, mitii the o' tigation measures are completed, the City <br />of Santa Ana, as the CPQA bead Agency, remains responsible for ensuring that <br />implementation of the mitigation, measures occur In aocordance with the mitigation <br />monitoring and reporting program (CEQA Guidelines, Section 15097(a)), <br />• Monitoring Phase: The general tinning for conducting each monitoring task. <br />C <br />The I Qdtapo Mixed ass pmJect 4 -1 ESA/ 140790 <br />Flnai llndronmenlal Impact Report Saylember x01 tl <br />