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dBA CNEL noise contours. The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the <br />proposed project identifies that the western portion of the property is within the existing <br />JWA 60 CNEL contour. Therefore, the FEIR includes Mitigation Measure LU -1 stating <br />that all prospective residents of the project site shall be notified of airport related noise <br />(via Notice of Airport in Vicinity language in lease /rental agreements). The FEIR also <br />includes Mitigation Measure LU -2 which requires outdoor signage informing the public <br />of the presence of operating aircraft consistent with AELUP Policy to be provided within <br />outdoor common or recreational areas on the project site. <br />C. The residential and commercial land uses under the proposed project are <br />consistent with the safety standards of the AELUP. <br />AELUP Section 2.1.2 sets forth Safety Compatibility Zones to support the continued use <br />and operation of an airport by establishing compatibility and safety standards to <br />promote air safety and reduce potential safety hazards for persons living, working, or <br />recreating near JWA. The proposed project site is not within the safety zone areas for <br />JWA. <br />d. The residential and commercial land uses under the proposed project are <br />consistent with the height standards of the AELUP. <br />In Section 2.1.3 of the JWA AELUP, the Commission has incorporated the standards for <br />height limits for determining obstructions and has incorporated the definitions of <br />"imaginary surfaces" for airports as defined in Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part <br />77. The proposed project is located within the FAR Part 77 "imaginary and notification <br />surfaces" referral area. The proposed maximum height for the project is 124 feet above <br />mean sea level (AMSL) and does not penetrate the notification surface which begins at <br />152.8 feet AMSL. <br />The proposed project is located within the approach corridor for JWA which would be <br />penetrated at 270 feet AMSL. The proposed maximum building height at this site is 124 <br />feet AMSL. Because the project does not penetrate the approach corridor imaginary <br />surface, the project will not impact areas reserved for air navigation. The project <br />applicant filed Form 7460 -1 with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and has <br />received a "Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation" as documented in FAA <br />Aeronautical Study No. 2015 -AWP- 1655 -0E. <br />2. The City is requiring the proposed project to meet the City's noise <br />standards of 45 dB CNEL for the interior of residential uses, which is <br />consistent with the standards established to promote the overall goals <br />and objectives of the California airport noise standards. The City is also <br />proposing a condition to demonstrate compliance with noise standards <br />prior to each building permit. Through implementation of the City's noise <br />standards and project conditions, the proposed project meets the <br />AELUP standards for California airport noise. <br />Resolution No. 2016 -013 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />