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LIMITATIONS <br />Conditions described in this report are as found at the time of investigation, unless <br />otherwise stated. <br />Lead Tech Environmental analyzed only the substances, conditions, and locations <br />described in the report at the time indicated. No inferences regarding other <br />substances, conditions, location, or time can be made unless specifically stated in <br />this report. <br />This report is intended for the use listed in the section of this report titled <br />"Introduction." The use of this report in any manner other than that listed in the <br />Introduction requires the written consent of Lead Tech Environmental (LTE). This <br />report must be presented in its entirety. <br />The conclusions and recommendations presented above are based on the agreed <br />upon scope of work outlined in the above report. LTE makes no warranties or <br />guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of information obtained from <br />information provided or compiled by others. It is possible that information exists <br />beyond the scope of this investigation. Additional information, which was not <br />found or available to LTE at the time of writing the report, may result in a <br />modification of the conclusions and recommendations presented. This report is <br />not a legal opinion. The services performed by LTE have been conducted in a <br />manner consistent with the level of care ordinarily exercised by members of our <br />profession currently practicing under similar conditions. No other warranty, <br />expressed or implied, is made. <br />605 S. PACIFIC AVENUE, SLITE 202, SAN PEDRO,, CALIFORNIA 90731 <br />PHONE 310- 19M.F -65' 310- 831 -2465 <br />