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EXHIBIT C <br />FIRPTA CERTIFICATE <br />TRANSFEROR'S CERTIFICATE OF NON - FOREIGN STATUS <br />To inform the City of Santa Ana, California, a charter city and municipal corporation <br />organized under the Constitution and laws of the State of California ( "Transferee "), that withholding <br />of tax under Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ( "Code ") will not be <br />required upon the transfer of certain. real property to the Transferee by the Santa Ana Housing <br />Authority (the, "Transferor "), the undersigned hereby certifies the following: <br />I. The Transferor is not a foreign person or citizen, foreign corporation, foreign <br />partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate (as those terms are defined in the Code and the Income <br />Tax Regulations promulgated thereunder); <br />2. The Transferor's social security number or U.S. employer identification number is as <br />Follows: <br />The Transferor's home or office address is: <br />The Transferor understands that this certification may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue <br />Service by the Transferee and that any false statement contained herein could be punished by fine, <br />imprisonment or both. Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification and <br />to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete, and I further declare that I <br />have authority to sign this document. <br />Santa Ana Housing Authority <br />C -I <br />80A -32 <br />