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City Council (2004 - Present)
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4/15/2016 11:29:35 AM
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4/14/2016 5:05:08 PM
City Clerk
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r�� ) Storm Drain Master 1Piart <br />/ Phase 2 j RFP No. 16 -02 <br />Orange County Flood Control On -Call Contract, Orange County, California. County of <br />Orange. Project Manager. Responsible for project management for flood control planning and <br />engineering services to support flood control. The projects included: San Diego Creek Master Plan <br />Update; Local Drainage Manual Update; Santiago Creek Scour Analysis Plan Check; San Diego <br />Creek Restoration Plans and Operations and Maintenance Manual; Foothill Basins Restoration Plans <br />and Operations and Maintenance Manual; Santa Ana River Reach 9 SARI Line Protection; San Juan <br />Creek Phases 4, 5, and 6 and Trabuco Creek Phase 8; and Edinger Channel - 3D Structural Analysis <br />for Reinforced Concrete Box. The projects included flood control, water quality, and wildlife corridor or <br />habitat conservation and protection. Michael Baker also provided services to obtain resource agency <br />permits. <br />Heritage Fields Drainage and Water Quality Master Plans, Irvine, California. Fivepoint <br />Communities (formerly Heritage Fields El Toro, LLC). Project Manager. Responsible for managing <br />the team to provide regional hydrology, master planning of backbone facilities, and GIS mapping for <br />the overall Heritage Fields project. The project encompasses 850 acres of the former El Toro Marine <br />Corps Air Station and borders the Great Park. It will provide approximately 1,100 residential dwelling <br />units together with two golf courses, riparian corridors, lake features, and trail connections. The <br />master plan of drainage included six regional watersheds (Marshburn, Bee Canyon, Ague Chinon, <br />Borrego, Serrano, and Upper San Diego Creek) passing through the project site and a master plan of <br />water quality for all districts of Heritage Fields. <br />Northern Sphere Master Plan of Drainage, Unincorporated Orange County, California. Irvine <br />Community Development Company. Project Manager. Responsible for developing a master plan of <br />drainage for the Northern Sphere Area in unincorporated Orange County. Michael Baker prepared <br />updated hydrology calculations based on the current land uses for the project area with a tributary <br />drainage area of approximately 3,600 acres. Michael Baker also assessed existing and proposed <br />condition hydrology and developed regional and master plan level drainage improvements for project <br />implementation and mitigation of project impacts. <br />Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA) Storm Drain Master Plan, Victorville, California. <br />Victorville, City of. Project Manager. Provided master planning studies and developed recommended <br />improvement plans for storm drain systems associated with the reuse of the Southern California <br />Logistics Airport, formerly known as George Air Force Base. The master plans incorporate the latest <br />conceptual planning studies for development at the former air base and were completed in two <br />phases. Emphasis was on surface drainage patterns through open channels and street cross - sections <br />to provide the most cost- effective drainage system for the arid high -desert conditions, which produce <br />high peak flows on an infrequent basis. <br />Tustin Legacy Master Plan of Drainage I Runoff Management Plan, Tustin, California. City of <br />Tustin. Task Manager. Assessed existing and proposed condition hydrology, developed regional and <br />master plan level drainage improvements for project implementation and mitigation of project <br />impacts. Michael Baker prepared a drainage master plan and comprehensive runoff management <br />plan (RMP) for the redevelopment of the 1,650 -acre Tustin Air Base. Existing watershed conditions <br />were documented and a plan was outlined to mitigate development runoff through appropriate <br />backbone infrastructure to afford flood protection and avoid offsite impacts. The plan included a <br />conceptual drainage plan and improvements for over 2.5 miles of regional channel improvements <br />adjacent to the project site. An on -site regional stormwater detention basin was proposed to avoid <br />construction of significant improvements to the existing downstream channel system. <br />INTERNATIONAL <br />20C -39 <br />At ✓v,hm""is I Rekuinpt <br />
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