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75B - PH - PREP
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
75B - PH - PREP
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/15/2016 11:41:56 AM
Creation date
4/14/2016 7:16:36 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Planning & Building
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LS 3.31.16 <br />C. Twenty -five dollars ($25.00) or twenty -five (25) percent of the unpaid balance of <br />said fee(s), whichever is greater, on the first day of the third month after the due <br />date thereof; and <br />D. Fifty dollars ($50.00) or fifty (50) percent of the unpaid balance of said fee(s), <br />whichever is greater, on the first day of the fourth month after the due date <br />thereof. <br />The maximum amount of delinquent penalty, exclusive of late interest, shall not exceed <br />an amount equal to one hundred (100) percent of the amount of the fee(s) past due. <br />Notification of delinquent past due fee(s) will be given by first class mail no later than <br />the fifteenth day of each month after the month in which said fee(s) first became <br />delinquent, until the maximum penalty is imposed. <br />Sec. 8.1970. Penalties - Added to Fee. <br />Any penalties hereinabove assessed for delinquent past due fees, exclusive of interest, <br />upon attaining a combined amount equal to one hundred (100) percent of the amount of <br />such fee shall become merged with the fee payable hereunder and shall be considered <br />as a part thereof for all collection purposes. <br />Sec. 8. 1971. — Late Interest. <br />In addition to the past due delinquency penalties imposed in Section 8 -1969, any Rental <br />Property Owner that fails to pay the Rental Housing Unit Fee due shall pay interest at <br />the rate of one (1) percent per month, or portion thereof, exclusive of penalties, on the <br />amount of the unpaid fee, from the date on which payment first became past due and <br />delinquent until paid -in -full or otherwise satisfied. Provided however, that pursuant to <br />Section 8 -1970 penalties upon attaining a combined amount equal to one hundred (100) <br />percent of the fee due are merged with the fee payable hereunder and any additional <br />interest charged from such date on shall be charged on the combined amount past due <br />and delinquent until paid in full or otherwise satisfied. <br />Sec. 8 -1972. Notice of Inspection. <br />A. The City shall serve written notice of pending inspection on the property owner at <br />least fifteen (15) days prior to the inspection. Such notice will be mailed via first - <br />class mail to the owner and to the owner's representative (if any) at the owner's <br />and owner's representative's addresses, as they appear on the owner's current <br />business license. Such notice will request that the owner call and schedule an <br />inspection within fifteen (15) days. If an owner fails to call to schedule an <br />inspection appointment, the City will send the owner a fifteen (15) day notice of <br />the scheduled date and time of the inspection. This notification requirement is <br />waived however, if the property owner and the City mutually agree upon the date <br />and time of an inspection or re- inspection. <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 11 of 16 <br />75B -23 <br />
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