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PI-FW-000 (01/07) <br />(a) The amount we will pay for damages is limited as described in Section F -Limits Of <br />Insurance of this endorsement; and <br />(b) Our right and duty to defend ends when we have used up the applicable limit of <br />Insurance in the payment of judgments, settlements or "defense expenses" under <br />Coverages A or B or medical expenses under Coverage C. <br />No other obligation or liability to pay sums or perform acts or services is covered unless <br />explicitly provided under Section D of this endorsement - Supplementary Payments - <br />Coverage A and B. <br />b. This insurance applies to "bodily Injury" only if: <br />(1) the "bodily injury" is caused by an "occurrence" that first commences in the "coverage <br />territory" at a specific date and time on or after the effective date of this endorsement <br />and during the policy period; <br />(2) the "bodily Injury" arises out of "sexual abuse" caused or committed by your <br />"employee"; and <br />(3) the "sexual abuse" arises out of your "negligent employment" of that "employee.' <br />C. The Insurance provided by this endorsement Is subject to the following additional exclusions: <br />2. Exclusions <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />a. Any person who: <br />i1) Has admitted to or been found guilty of, or pled guilty or nolo contenders to any act <br />Involving "sexual abuse"; <br />(2) Participated in, directed or knowingly allowed "sexual abuse"; or <br />(3) Has failed to comply with any applicable law, ordinance or regulation which requires the <br />reporting of "sexual abuse" after having knowledge of the "sexual abuse." <br />b Any expense associated with a criminal trial, proceeding or investigation, or to any expense <br />for appeals for any "suit" against you or any person insured. <br />c. Any claim for damages arising out of "sexual abuse" which Is part of a series of related acts <br />of "sexual abuse" If the first of such series of acts took place before the effective date of this <br />endorsement. <br />d. Any claim for damages arising out of "sexual abuse" alleged to have been caused or <br />committed by any "employee" who had previously committed such an act of which any <br />insured had knowledge. <br />e. Any liability of others assumed by you under any contract or agreement, either oral or written. <br />f. Any claim mad@ against an Insured by another Insured. <br />g. Any "sexual abuse" caused or committed by or which Is alleged to have been caused or <br />committed by any independent contractor or employee or agent of such Independent <br />contractor. <br />h. "Sexual harassment." <br />I. "Bodily Injury" arising from any violation or alleged violation of the cl�li 6VJ f1g6 ggrrsson. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Carmen Acosta <br />PRCSA/Recreation <br />