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Owner /Occu ant Information cont'd <br />32. Do you rent a portion of the property to anyone else? Yes❑ No <br />32. Renta una porci6n de la propiedad a alguna otra persona? <br />a. For a: Business❑ Storage❑ Residence❑ <br />a. Para: Negocto Almacenmuento Hosped4e <br />b. Are any of these tenants related to you or any member of your immediate household? Yes❑ No❑ <br />h. Algunos de estoa inquilinos esta relacionados con usted o algun miemhro inmediatoa de su familia? <br />If so, what is the relationship? <br />St es an; cual es la relaci6n? <br />c. If the answer to 32 is yes, what structure do they share or occupy? Main house or Bldg. ❑ Garage❑ Trailer❑ <br />c. Si ha respondido "si" en la 432, que estmetura ocupan o comparten? La Casa principal o edifice El garaje Casa m6vil <br />Other: <br />otro <br />d. If you live in a single family house or other unit on this property, do you rent any portion of that house or that <br />unit to tenants? Yes❑ No❑ <br />d. St usted vive en una casa o alguna otra unidad en esta propiedad, la renta alguna porci6n de eaa casa o eaa unidad a inquilinos? <br />e. If the answer to 32d is yes, please fill in the table below. <br />e. St la respuesta a la pregunta 32d es si, favor de Ilenar la tahle siguiente. <br />Use this section for tenants occupying the same <br />sin le family house <br />or unit that the owner owns and <br />occupies. <br />Tenant Names (Check box if tenant is related to you) <br />First date of <br />Occupancy <br />Rental Rate <br />(monthly) <br />Utilities paid by <br />Furniture owned <br />b <br />Owner <br />Tenant <br />Owner <br />Tenant <br />1. ❑ <br />2. ❑ <br />3. ❑ <br />Do you have leases with any of the tenants? Yes❑ No❑ <br />( .! fy�of N I` 5n. �xplain 1Iu3f �t � will Tl��d copi� (A , 11�I as 5} <br />Business Use in Residence <br />33. Do you run a business out of your home? Yes❑ No❑ <br />33. Tiene usted un negocio que opera denb-o de la casa? <br />a. Is there a room [or garage] specifically set aside for ONLY this business? Yes❑ No❑ <br />a. Hay una hahitaci6n designada especificamente para este negocio? <br />Interviewer instructions: If the displacee plans to keep the "business" in their residence when they move into their <br />replacement property, the Agency will pay the additional costs associated with moving that equipment. But it will be <br />treated as a residential case with added moving and possible "set -up" costs. In situations where it is a more <br />complicated business [ex. a built -out recording studio] and /or the displacee wishes to move it elsewhere, it can be <br />considered as a separated business relocation. In these situations, the displacee needs to understand the concept of a <br />"carve -out", which might reduce their residential PPD or RAP payment. After this is explained, ask question b. <br />below. <br />b. If so, do you plan to keep this business in your replacement residence? Yes❑ <br />h. St es an; usted planea continuer su negocio en su vivienda de remplazo? <br />Initials of Respondent (iniciales del entrevistado): <br />Page 4 of 8, Residential Surveyflnterview 55B -57 <br />No ❑ <br />Initials of Interviewer. <br />rev.09f15 <br />