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Re lacement Housing Preferences <br />43. If you choose to stay in this neighborhood is it because: <br />43. Si desea guedarge denb-o de su misma cirea o vecindario indiguenos porgue? <br />( Indicate preference: 1,2,3, etc. - number 1 being the most important) <br />(Indigue la importancia de la raz6n, 1 stendo el mks importante) <br />My job is nearby: _ Convenient to shopping: _ Close to schools: — Close to church: <br />Mi 17'ah4o esta cercano: Conventencia de Hendas: Cerca de escuelag: Cerca de la iglesia: <br />My friends and relatives are nearby: Public transportation availability: Other: <br />Cerca de mis fanuliares o amigos: Disponibilidad de bransportacikn publica: 017,0,9 : <br />44. If not this neighborhood, what other areas or cities would you prefer? Please list in order of preference. <br />44. Si no en esta cirea o vecindario, en gue otrag ciudades preferiria vivir? Por favor indigue en orden de preferencia. <br />1) 2) <br />45. Would you prefer to: Rent❑ Bay❑ <br />45. Preftere usted: Rentar Comprar <br />46. Are you aware of the programs available to assist first time buyers with the purchase of a home? Yes ❑ No❑ <br />46 Egta usted enterado de log programag disponibles para agistir a lag personas gue compran caga por primera vez? <br />47. What type of property would you like to move into? House Apartment❑ Duplex❑ Mobile borne❑ <br />47. A gue Hpo de propiedad prefiere moverge? <br />Rooming house❑ Condominium ❑ Other❑ <br />48. Would the entire household move together as the unit is now comprised? Yes No❑ <br />48. Se moverian log integrantes de la vivienda en la misma manera en gue estkn compuestog? <br />If no, please explain: <br />Expligue porgue no <br />Question for Tenants who are Employed as Resident-Mangers on the Dis lacement Pro er <br />49. My responsibilities as manager include: Collecting rent ❑ Maintenance❑ Security❑ <br />49. Mis responsabilidades como manejador incluyerc Coleccikn de rental Mantenimiento Seguridad <br />50. My job managing this property is a full -time job, or my only job? .................... ............................... Yes❑ No❑ <br />50. Mi posict6n como manejador de la propiedad es un trabajo completo, o mi iunico trah4o? <br />51. I have a written agreement or lease with the owner /management co. with regard to these duties. Yes No❑ <br />51. Yo tengo un conn ato por escrito con el dueno manejador relacionado con la compensacikn por mis obligaciones. <br />52. How are you compensated for your work as the property manager for this property? (check all that apply) <br />52. Como es compengado por su trabajo de manejador de esta propiedad? <br />❑ I am paid a salary of $ /month <br />Mi pago es un salarto de $ al roes <br />❑ I receive a reduction in the monthly rental of my unit; my rent is $ /month <br />Yo recibo una reducci6n en mi renta menmal de mi unidad, mi renta es $ al mes <br />Initials of Respondent (iniciales del entrevistado): Initials of Interviewer. <br />Page 6 of 8, Residential Survey /Interview 55B -59 rev.09 115 <br />