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ARMORY EMERGENCY SHELTER EXTENSION FUNDING AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 22nd day of March, 2016, by and between the County <br />of Orange, a political subdivision of the State of California (hereinafter "County "), and the City of Santa <br />Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of <br />the State of California (hereinafter "City"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. WHEREAS, the County of Orange Armory Emergency Shelter Program is a collaborative effort <br />between the County of Orange, the State of California National Guard, the participating cities of <br />Fullerton, Santa Ana and Anaheim, Mercy Housing Living Centers, Inc. and other non - profit <br />service providers to provide emergency shelter, food and supportive services to the homeless <br />throughout Orange County; and <br />B. WHEREAS, the County of Orange OC Community Services contracts with Mercy House Living <br />Centers, Inc. (its "Subcontractor ") to operate the shelters and provide services at the Santa Ana <br />and Fullerton National Guard Armories and alternate site locations generally from December <br />through April of each year; and <br />C. WHEREAS, the Santa Ana National Guard Armory Emergency Shelter Program serves the <br />shelter needs of homeless individuals in Santa Ana; and <br />D. WHEREAS, the Santa Ana National Guard Armory site provides up to 200 beds per night, a <br />nutritious meal at dinner and breakfast, a warm shower, donations of warm clothing and other <br />basic needs items, referrals to Mercy House Living Centers, Inc., wrap- around supportive <br />services, and on -site Orange County Service Providers; and <br />E. WHEREAS, the total funding for the Santa Ana National Guard Armory Emergency Shelter and <br />Fullerton National Guard Armory Emergency Shelter will be fully expended by March 25, 2016; <br />and <br />F. WHEREAS, the City wishes to provide funding to support approximately twenty -one (21) <br />additional days of shelter from March 26, 2016, through April 15, 2016, at the Santa Ana <br />Armory, or at alternate shelter sites during those days when the Santa Ana National Guard <br />Armory is unavailable. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the terms <br />and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />The City will provide to the County an amount of $99,750 to support approximately twenty -one <br />(21) additional days of shelter at the Santa Ana National Guard Armory, or at such alternate sites as <br />may be available during those days when the Santa Ana National Guard Armory is unavailable. In <br />exchange for the foregoing, the County will meet the obligations set forth in Section 5. <br />2. FUNDING <br />It is understood and agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the funding for <br />the County's obligations set forth in Section 5 shall not exceed Ninety -Nine Thousand, <br />Seven - Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($99,750.00) during the term of this Agreement. <br />b. Payment shall be made by the City to the County as a lump sum within thirty (30) days <br />of the execution of this Agreement. County shall remit to the City a report documenting <br />