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Developer shall enter into contracts for the constriction of any off -site <br />improvements which Developer elects to construct. City shall approve the award of any such <br />contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Developer's bid package shall: <br />(i) Require use of prevailing wage rates for off -site pubic <br />improvements; <br />(ii) Use City approved bid package; <br />(iii) Employ bidding process in accordance with City procedures per <br />Santa Ana Municipal Code § 2 -805; <br />(iv) Require that all change orders for off -site public improvements <br />shall be approved in writing by the Executive Director of the <br />Public Works Agency prior to the commencement of work; and <br />(v) Provide that the bids shall be delivered under seal directly to City. <br />Alternatively, should City and Developer jointly elect, the off -site public improvements <br />maybe bid and contracted for using the "management contract method." Should Developer <br />propose use of the management contract method for such improvements, it shall identify in <br />writing a proposed management contractor. Upon receipt of this request, the Executive Director <br />of the Public Works Agency shall review such proposal within three (3) working days. Should <br />the parties choose to utilize the management contract method for construction of the off -site <br />public improvements, the bidding requirements, as set forth above, shall be modified so that <br />separate bids shall be submitted to City for each trade. The management contractor shall <br />perform none of the construction itself unless it is awarded a separate contract therefore as the <br />lowest responsible bidder in subsequent bidding under the procedures set forth above. <br />(c) Constriction Requirements <br />Developer shall carry out the design, construction and the operation of the off -site <br />improvements in substantial conformity with all applicable laws, ordinances, statutes, codes, <br />rules, regulations, orders and decrees of the United States, the State of California, the County of <br />Orange, the City or any other political subdivision in which the Property is located, and any other <br />political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality exercising jurisdiction over City, Developer or <br />the Property, including all applicable federal, state and local occupation, safety and health laws, <br />rules, regulations and standards, applicable state and labor standards, prevailing wage <br />requirements, City zoning and development standards, City permit and approvals, building, <br />plumbing, mechanical and electrical codes, as they apply to the off -site improvements, and all <br />other provisions of City and its Municipal Code and all applicable disabled and handicap access <br />requirements, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disability Act, 42 U.S.C. § <br />12101 et seq., Government Code § 4450 et seq. and the Unruh Civil Rights Act, Civil Code § 51 <br />et seq. (Governmental Requirements). Developer explicitly acknowledges that construction of <br />the public off -site improvements shall be subject to the requirement that Developer shall pay <br />"prevailing wage" rates pursuant to Labor Code § 1720 et seq. and that this standard shall <br />constitute one of the Government Requirements. <br />SMRH:4757247842 65W-1 8 <br />