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2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />single dry -year. This percentage was determined by MWDOC based on historical data for all of its retail <br />agencies through the "Bump Methodology" that is explained in Appendix G. <br />3.6,5 Multiple -Dry Year Period Reliability Comparison <br />Multiple -dry years are defined as three or more years with minimal rainfall within a period of average <br />precipitation. The City is capable of meeting all customers' demands with significant reserves held by <br />Metropolitan, local groundwater supplies, and conservation in multiple dry years from 2020 through 2040 <br />with a demand increase of 6 percent using FY 2011 -12 through FY 2013 -14 as the driest years. MWDOC <br />chose the highest average demand over a three year period for the multi -dry year demand increase. This <br />value was repeated over the three year span as a conservative assumption where demand would <br />increase significantly in a prolonged drought and would remain constant through the years. The basis of <br />the water year is displayed in Table 3 -5. <br />Table 3 -5: Basis of Water Year Data (AF) <br />.7 Supply and Demand Assessment <br />A comparison between the supply and the demand for projected years between 2020 and 2040 is shown <br />in Table 3 -6. As stated above, the available supply will meet projected demand due to diversified supply <br />and conservation measures. <br />ar°adis.°om 75E -54 <br />3 -20 <br />