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2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />be activated at which time a water representative will be sent to the EOC to coordinate water emergency <br />response with all other City department's emergency response. <br />5.5 Prohibitions, Penalties and Consumption Reduction Methods <br />5.5.1 Prohibitions <br />The City's Water Conservation Ordinance No. NS -2877 lists water conservation requirements that will <br />take effect upon implementation by the City Council. These prohibitions will promote the efficient use of <br />water, reduce or eliminate water waste, and enable implementation of the City's Water Shortage <br />Contingency Measures. <br />Water conservation measures become more restrictive per each progressive stage in order to address <br />the increasing differential between water supply and demand. <br />A list of restrictions and prohibitions that are applicable to each stage is shown in Table 5 -3 (Santa Ana, <br />City Ordinance No. NS -2877, May 2015). <br />Table 5 -3: Restrictions and Prohibitions on End Uses <br />Only: Retail <br />Penalty, <br />Restrictions and <br />Charge, or <br />Stage <br />Prohibitions on <br />Additional Explanation or Reference <br />Other <br />End Users <br />Enforcement? <br />This restriction does not apply to <br />situations where it is necessary to <br />Other - Prohibit <br />dispose of dangerous liquids or <br />use of potable <br />alleviate safety or sanitary hazards. <br />No <br />Permanent Year -Round <br />water for washing <br />Only then may this be performed by <br />hard surfaces <br />use of a hand -held bucket or a hand- <br />held hose equipped with a positive <br />self - closing water shut -off device. <br />Watering of lawn, landscape or other <br />turf areas except between the hours <br />Landscape - Limit <br />of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. is <br />landscape <br />prohibited, except by use of a hand - <br />No <br />Permanent Year -Round <br />irrigation to <br />water shut -off nozzle or device, or <br />specific times <br />for very short periods of time for the <br />express purpose of adjusting or <br />repairing an irrigation system. <br />The use of water to clean, fill or <br />Other water <br />maintain levels in decorative <br />Permanent Year -Round <br />feature or <br />fountains, ponds, lakes or other <br />No <br />swimming pool <br />similar aesthetic structures unless <br />restriction <br />such water is part of a recirculating <br /> 75E-68 <br />5 -7 <br />