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2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />Table 6 -3: 2010 UWMP Recycled Water Use Projection Compared to 2015 Actual (AF) <br />.4 Potential Recycled Water gees <br />Potential recycled water users are locations where recycled water could replace potable water use. Since <br />OCWD is limited in GAP plant capacity, additional users do not exist at the time and the City does not <br />expect additional GAP use in the future. <br />6.4.1 Direct Non - Potable Reuse <br />The City currently uses recycled water from OCWD's GAP for direct non - potable reuse such as <br />landscape irrigation. <br />6.4.2 Indirect Potable Reuse <br />The City benefits from OCWD's GWRS system that provides indirect potable reuse through <br />replenishment of OC Basin with water that meets state and federal drinking water standards. <br /> 75E-82 6 -6 <br />2010' <br />Projection for <br />2015 actual use <br />2015' <br />Use Type <br />Agricultural irrigation <br />Landscape irrigation (excludes golf courses)s <br />300 <br />352 <br />Golf course irrigation <br />Commercial use <br />Industrial use <br />GeothernnaVand other er'ergy production <br />Seawater intrusion barrier <br />Recreational' impoundment <br />Wetlands orwildlife habitat <br />Groundwater recharge;(IPR) <br />Surface water augmentation (IPR) <br />Direct potable reuse <br />Type of <br />Other <br />Use <br />Total <br />300 <br />352 <br />NOTES: <br />.4 Potential Recycled Water gees <br />Potential recycled water users are locations where recycled water could replace potable water use. Since <br />OCWD is limited in GAP plant capacity, additional users do not exist at the time and the City does not <br />expect additional GAP use in the future. <br />6.4.1 Direct Non - Potable Reuse <br />The City currently uses recycled water from OCWD's GAP for direct non - potable reuse such as <br />landscape irrigation. <br />6.4.2 Indirect Potable Reuse <br />The City benefits from OCWD's GWRS system that provides indirect potable reuse through <br />replenishment of OC Basin with water that meets state and federal drinking water standards. <br /> 75E-82 6 -6 <br />