"HOl'i E Compliance Period" is liar a period of filleern (15) years.
<br />"HOME Program" han the rmuaning set forth in Recital "A" above,
<br />"HOME. Regulations" hags the nneanong sat lbr fla in Recital "A" hove.
<br />"HUD" rrnaaans the United States Department of Housing and flrham
<br />D(evelopnnent acct any successors or assigns thereof
<br />"ImprovellicuLs "" means, all improvements and fixtures now and hereafter
<br />aaarnprisiraL any pforhon of the Property, inetuding„ without limitation, landscaping, n,g, 'trees
<br />and plum nnauteriata:, all(] offsito inal,)a•overnents (ineltretin�-;, wrtlraaut lnan'itataon, streets,
<br />curbs, storm drains, and adjacent street li�lutnng),
<br />"Indebtedness'" ol`a person means (aa;) at] 'indebtedness for borrowed
<br />nmoncy, (b) mates payable and draafls accepted representing extensions of credit, whether
<br />or not representing obligations for borrowed money, (c�) an,v oblig,,.rion fbr the purchase
<br />of property of Services ill excess of S 10,000 in the aggregate that is (t) deferred for more
<br />than six (6) niorrflns, or (ii) evidenced by "a note or similar instrument, and ( cl) all rccowse
<br />and all non- reeou.trwe indeblednens secured by any Lien on any property= or asset of .such.
<br />per -;on (whether or not assumed by such person)..
<br />"Indejun'itees " has [lie rnca ninf set l6rth ill Section 'l4.5.
<br />"Laws" nnewl,n all statutes, laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, writs.,
<br />lurdgnnents,
<br />injunctions, decrees or awards of the United States or any '.,[Life, county,
<br />municipality or other Governmental Authority.
<br />"Lien" rncaans any lien, mortgage, pleclge, Seetanity interest, charge or
<br />encunnhrtenee of army kind (including any condhtionat sate or anther title aetention
<br />agrecrnetu , any lease; an the nature thercol ", and any a�recrncnt to give any 'lien or security
<br />interest).
<br />"Limited Partner" naeaaaas the Limited Partners cal" Developer,; and their
<br />i n ssor s anti assigns.
<br />"Loan Documerliti "' mcam,', coltedtively, this Agreentont, the City-'HOOF
<br />Loan Vote, the City/HOOF £)red of'Trtrst, the Affordability Restrictions on Transfer of.
<br />Pnrnperty, and any under- agreement, document, or instrument [hat the City reguire;s in
<br />connection Witt) the execution of this Ag,recrrncut or fronn inn , to fume to eflectuate the
<br />purposes, of this Agreement.
<br />"Low Income" moans an adjusted income which does not exceed Ogluty
<br />percent (SC'i`'!«) of the area median income lot, than Orange C'Cnonty, ( %llitinruria IIMSA,
<br />autlnstect fawr luaartschold size, as published by HUD-
<br />5
<br />25H -13
<br />