segregation with rel reraee to the selection, locatiou, rnunther, use or occa lmariey of tertants,
<br />tCihLCS, subtcrr ants, suhlcssec.s or i,endCCS of f is Property. The foregoing covenants shall .
<br />run w iIh to laud and shaalI mn'ain in eflea lbr t lie terra of the Agreement.
<br />8.1 Event oaf' De1�ault. Failure or delay by either party to perform any terra of provimori of
<br />this Agreement within the time periods Provided herein flare• such pt�Hbrnlancc constitute;; a
<br />default reader the Agreement. if any party deltaualts in perfaorrna nee of rls obligations,
<br />covenants or agreements hereunder, the dclaulhng party shall be entitled to cane the deflault
<br />in accordance wilh this section, The injut-ed paady shall ,give written notice of default to the
<br />Party ill defirral.t, specifying, the defirutt complained ofby the inyurc },ratty. Delay ill giving
<br />such notice shall not constitute a waiver of any clef urlt nor shaall it elaangQ the time Of
<br />dcfatrht. The def,'Wltrng Irarly rrutst, within thirty (30) (lay,., following service of said written
<br />notice, cerrrnrrence to can -e, eoraec OT t °enredy SUch fatal ere or delay and shall ca`rrrrplele.9uc11
<br />cane, corrc,cti�on, or remedy with reaasonabte dingerice. Upon a dethult by Developer which
<br />rs nett Cured within thirty (30) eftays fi�)tlowrrog scrvrce rrf`saaiul nodiee, unless suuch deftrtrlt
<br />cannot reasonably he Cured within thirty (itl) days, in wtdreh Case Developer sha l have such
<br />additional tine as reasonably necc. "ar-y to complete such cane but no more than ninety (90')
<br />clays, the City wliarll harwu t'he fight to terrnrnatc this Agreement by delivery of written nofiee
<br />of Wnrrataation to Developer.
<br />8.3 Institution elf" Le al Actions. hi adahtiou to any otNir rights or remedies, either party
<br />allay onstitute legal action tea Clare, correct or remedy any defioult to recover damages Jbr any
<br />deB'aaraht, OF to ohtain any other renreely consistent with the purpose orthis AgrCcirmvt.
<br />8.a Rights and Remedies are C uniuhltiVe. EXCept with respect. to rog,hls and remedics
<br />expressly declared to he exclusive in this Agrcerrrcnt, 91ae right and pemedies of the parties
<br />are CunnilatiwC and the Cxerc,ise by cither panty r.rfone or more art "such rights of remedies
<br />Shall not pros Dudc the ehereisQ by it, al the sarnac or different tunes, of any other rights orr
<br />remedies fin the sarnz delauh or any other default by the other party.
<br />8.4 Datraaf?cs. In the event that the City is liarl* fbi dalmnws to Developer, such liability
<br />dial] not exceed costs niClarred by the Developer in the performance of this Agreement anel
<br />Shall not e'Nterr-d ter compensaffon frpr° loss offi turc. income, profits err assets; provided,
<br />however, Developer's only remedy for any breach ol'tlt €s Agreement by the City shall be an
<br />nct'ion for specific perfonannce ol'such party's oblig,abom,
<br />8.5 Nurrorecourue Liability. Neither Developer, nor any partner of'Developer, shall harwe
<br />any persoaiarl lnrbility under this Agreement, or the attached Norte and Deed offr ust, ,rid any
<br />ludgnaent, dwce or order for the payrnctrt ol'morley obtained in any action to enforce the
<br />obligation (if Developa a to repay the loran evilenced by such documents sharp be enforecablQ
<br />at
<br />aurst Developer ouly to the uateirl of Developers interest in the Property.
<br />As a material mellaecnient to Cily to enter into this tAgtcentent, Developer
<br />represc'nk mid w atl iarnts w, follows:
<br />16
<br />25H -24
<br />