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Proposed ordinance creating disqualification of Mayor or Councilmembers after receiving a legal <br />defense fund contribution <br />June 21, 2015 <br />Page 2 <br />Coda § 55304.5(a) -(b). Legal defense funds may not be used toward expenses for fundralsing, <br />media or political consulting fees, mass mailing or other advertising. Gov, Code § 55304.5(d) <br />(referring to Gov, Code § 55304). Nor may they be used for the payment or reimbursement for a <br />fine, penalty, judgment, or settlement. Gov. Code § 85304.5(d) (referring to Gov. Coda § 35304), <br />Local agencies have explicit authority to place limitations on contributions to any separate legal <br />defense fund established by a local candidate or office holder. <br />At the May 19, 2015 Code of Conduct and Ethics Council Committee meeting, the Committee <br />directed staff to prepare an ordinance for the adoption of legal defense fund contribution <br />disquallflcatlon rules for the Mayor and Counollmembers that are similar to the City Charter <br />disqualification that results from campaign contributions. The Intent of the ordinance is to limit the <br />perception of undue Influence. As such, the proposed ordinance provides that neither the Mayor, <br />nor any Councilmember shall participate in or influence any City Manager or City Council decision <br />where that decision may have a financial impact on any person or any entity that has made a legal <br />defense fund contribution of $250,00 to the Mayor or Councilmember or any committee controlled <br />by them. The proposed ordinance extends the disqualification for any Individual who has more than <br />a 10 percent Interest in any entity, or is a director, partner or officer of any entity that made a <br />contribution and may receive a financial benefit from such a decision, <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />n/a <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There Is no fiscal Impact associated with this action, <br />A" A-) V� &MOW- <br />Sonia R. Carvalho <br />City Attorney <br />50B -2 <br />