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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />HOUSINGPROGRAM <br />Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)/Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)Various <br />Statement of Purpose <br />To maintain the integrity of the CDBG and ESG Programs by ensuring that all federal regulations pertaining to <br />sub-recipient oversight, labor standards, equal employment opportunity, financial recordkeeping, environmental <br />review, citizen participation, and project eligibility are observed within all CDBG and ESG projects. <br />This sub-division is responsible for coordinating and administering CDBG and ESG funding for the City. <br />Accomplishments in FY 14-15 & FY 15-16 <br />Ϋ Improved processes to ensure compliance and efficient administration of the CDBG and ESG programs. <br />Ϋ Provided oversight of CDBG and ESG projects and subrecipients for compliance. <br />Ϋ Implemented new requirements for the ESG program to more effectively assist homeless individuals and families. <br />Ϋ Enhanced the coordination of ESG data collection, performance measurement and evaluation. <br />Ϋ Coordinated with homeless service providers to establish a homeless shelter. <br />Ϋ Developed a transparent process for the allocation of CDBG and ESG funds to nonprofit organizations which <br />included enhanced coordination with the Community Redevelopment and Housing Commission. <br />Ϋ Created the Orange County ESG Collaborative with the cities of Garden Grove, Anaheim, and the County of <br />Orange and issued a joint NOFA application for ESG funding. <br />Ϋ Prepared and submitted all HUD reports in a timely manner which included the Five Year Consolidated Plan <br />(ConPlan) and the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). <br />Ϋ Implemented Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. <br />Ϋ Coordinated with 16 local cities for the completion of the Analysis to Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. <br />Action Plan for FY 16-17 <br />Ϋ Prepare and submit all HUD reports in a timely manner which include the Annual Plan to the ConPlan and <br />the CAPER. <br />Ϋ Provide oversight of CDBG and ESG projects and subrecipients for compliance. <br />Ϋ Provide technical assistance to all subrecipients by holding training workshops. <br />Ϋ Coordinate ESG program efforts with the OC Collaborative to include unified invoice and monitoring forms <br />and other actions to better serve homeless individuals and families. <br />Ϋ Coordinate with homeless service providers to establish a homeless shelter. <br />Ϋ Continue to participate in Continuum of Care Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness. <br />Ϋ Set up an electronic application system for grants management for the CDBG program. <br />Ϋ Implement a new application process for non-profits to apply for CDBG public service funds. <br />Ϋ <br />Streamline project performance reporting systems. <br />ActualActualEstimatedObjective <br />PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br />FY 13-14FY 14-15FY 15-16FY 16-17 <br />Service Level <br />Number of federal grants administered3222 <br />Efficiency <br />Projects/programs funded with CDBG17162323 <br />Sub-recipients funded with ESG23151915 <br />Effectiveness <br />Amount of CDBG funds disbursed$5,682,340$5,560,186$5,434,375$5,286,263 <br />Amount of ESG funds disbursed$340,500$390,000$495,617$489,202 <br /> 4-44 <br /> <br />