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SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS <br />Special Gas Tax FundPROGRAMFund 02917019 <br />PURPOSE: <br />California Streets & Highway Code Section 2105 provides apportionments to cities and counties of a portion of the revenues <br />derived from a per gallon tax on motor vehicle fuels in accordance with prescribed formulas. A city's or county's entitlement to the <br />apportioned funds is conditional upon its expenditures from its general fund for street and highway purposes for an amount not less <br />than the annual average of is expenditures during the 1987-88, 1988-89, and 1989-90 fiscal years. <br />California Streets & Highways Code Section 2106 (a) provides that each city in the state shall receive a fixed monthly <br />apportionment of $400 ($4,800 per year). In addition to this fixed amount, under Section 2106 (c.) after counties receive their <br />portion of the overall base sum, the balance will be apportioned on a monthly basis to cities for use during the 2002- 2003 fiscal <br />year. <br />California Streets & Highways Code Section 2107 provides for the monthly apportionment of a sum equal to $0.00725 per gallon <br />of motor vehicle license tax among cities, based on population. In addition, SB215 (Chapter 541, Statutes of 1981) provided for a <br />one-time appropriation of $59 million to be allocated to cities in fiscal year 1982-83. Beginning in fiscal year 1983-84, cities now <br />receive $0.01 of the $0.02 increase in gas taxes pursuant to SB 215. <br />ACTUALACTUALADOPTEDPROPOSED <br />FY 13-14FY 14-15FY 15-16FY 16-17 <br />EXPENDITURES <br />02917019 INTERFUND TRANSFER <br />68000-058Transfer to Fund 058174,0623,381,68800 <br />68000-059Transfer to Fund 0592,335,2291,296,79410,0000 <br />68000-086Transfer to Fund 08610,00010,00010,0000 <br />TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS2,519,2914,688,48220,0000 <br />ЎΏЊЎ <br /> <br />