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SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS <br />PERSONNEL SERVICESPROGRAM <br />Air Quality Improvement Fund03109050 <br />Statement of Purpose <br />To provide responsive, efficient services to City employees to achieve the South Coast Air Quality Management District <br />(SCAQMD) Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) goal of 1.5 persons per vehicle to attain federal/state air quality standards. <br />This program is responsible for the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the City's Employee <br />Commute Reduction Program. Major components include promoting alternate transportation modes and associated air <br />quality and health benefits; implementing the City's SCAQMD-approved incentive programs; monitoring employee <br />participation; conducting annual AVR (Average Vehicle Ridership) survey; and preparing Employee Commute Reduction <br />Program for annual analysis and submission to SCAQMD. <br />Accomplishments in FY 2015-2016 <br />*Prepared City's 2014 Annual Analysis of the Employee Commute Reduction Program. <br />*Marketed approved Program through promotional fliers, Blue Skies newsletter, and oral presentations. <br />*Hosted jointly (with Benefits Division) the City's Annual Transportation/Benefits Faire. <br />* Conducted annual AVR and Southern California Rideshare survey. <br />*Established two Vanpools that City Employees participate in. <br />Action Plan for FY 2016-2017 <br />*Promote alternate transportation modes through informational meetings, fliers, Kiosk system, and the <br />Annual Transportation/Benefits Faire. <br />*Continue to monitor and evaluate employee participation in incentive programs. <br />Conduct annual AVR & Commuter survey (utilizing optional on-line survey methods) and prepare the 2013 <br />* <br />Annual Analysis of the Employee Commute Reduction Program. <br />*Participate in inter-departmental air quality trip reduction initiatives. <br />*Ensure City compliance with laws and regulations related to AQMD's Rule 2202. <br />ActualActualEstimatedObjective <br />PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br />FY 13-14FY 14-15FY 15-16FY 16-17 <br />Service Level <br />% of new employees receiving Work Trip Reduction <br />100%100%100%100% <br />Program (TRP) information. <br />% of employees completing annual Average Vehicle <br />93%95%95%98% <br />Ridership (AVR) and Commuter surveys. <br /># of employees: <br />attending TRP informational presentations (NEO) <br />171137170175 <br />receiving custom transit route planners/match lists <br />76757575 <br />Efficiency <br />% of employee requests for information answered <br />100%100%100%100% <br />within 3 working days <br />% of employee incentives processed within 15 <br />100%100%100%100% <br />working days of timely submission. <br />Effectiveness <br />City Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ЎΏЋЍ <br /> <br />