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SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS <br />POLICE DEPARTMENTPROGRAM <br />Homeland Security GrantsFUND 125 <br />Statement of Purpose <br />To administer the Homeland Security Grants Program by providing logistics, project coordination, and financial oversight <br />for the Anaheim/Santa Ana Urban Area. <br />Service Program <br />Funds for all grants are provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), passed down to the California <br />Office of Emergency Services (Cal-OES), and then awarded to the City of Santa Ana. Funds are used to purchase <br />equipment, provide regional training, conduct multi-agency exercises, and pay for management and administrative costs. <br />All funds are disbursed either through reimbursement or through cash advance from Cal-OES. <br />Accomplishments FY 2015-16 <br />FY14 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Program <br />*Completed update to Grant Effectiveness Report <br />*Purchased comprehensive maintenance agreement for OC Civic Center Video Surveillance System <br />*Funded "If You See Something, Say Something" and ReadyOC Campaigns <br />*Funded Regional Training & Exercise Program <br />*Purchased & Distributed CBRNE Canisters to Law Enforcement Agencies in Orange County <br />Action Plan for FY 2016-2017 <br />FY15 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Program <br />*Fund Phase 3 of Interoperable Communications P25 compliance upgrade <br />*Fund Phase 2 of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) replenish for Law Enforcement Agencies in Orange County <br />*Fund maintenance agreement for FLIR Camera System <br />*Fund OCSD regional Bomb Squad Robot Upgrade <br />*Fund Phase 2 of Wild land Urban Interface (WUI) Pre-Fire Plans <br />*Fund upgrade to equipment inventory system <br />*Fund maintenance agreement for OC Civic Center Video Surveillance System <br />*Fund Portable Fuel Trailers and generator camlocks and cabling for emergency response <br />*Fund "If You See Something, Say Something" and ReadyOC Campaigns <br />*Fund Regional Training & Exercise Program <br />*Funded Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center (OCIAC) Activities, to include: Analyst Salaries, Cyber Unit, <br />Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) Training Program, School Assessment Program, and equipment data sources <br />ЎΏЌА <br /> <br />