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Program Requirements: <br />1. jurisdiction/Agency shall follow competitive procurement practices in selection of vendors for <br />all services which it does not provide using its own work force. Any Request for Proposals (RFP) <br />for services shall specify the use of vehicles meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) <br />accessibility standards, <br />2. jurisdiction /Agency will perform, or ensure that a contracted vendor performs, maintenance of <br />all vehicles used in the Senior Mobility program, including, at a minimum: <br />a) Daily Pre-Trip Inspections that meet or exceed the guidelines provided in the attached <br />Pre -Trip Inspection Checklist (Attachment 2) <br />b) Scheduled preventative maintenance that meets or exceeds the guidelines provided in <br />the attached, .PM Checklist, including the maintenance of all accessibility features of the <br />vehicles. <br />c) Maintain maintenance records for each vehicle for five (5) years and, if required, <br />cooperate fully in annual motor coach carrier terminal inspections conducted by the <br />California Highway Patrol. <br />3. jurlsd,iction /Agency will ensure that its operators, or its contracted vendor's operators, are <br />properly licensed and trained to proficiency to perform duties safely, and to a manner which <br />treats its riders with respect and dignity. Disability awareness and passenger assistance will be <br />4, jurisdiction /Agency will establish and implement an alcohol and drug program that complies <br />with 41 U.S.C, sections 701, -707, (the Drug free Workplace Act of 1988), and will produce any <br />documentation necessary to establish its compliance with sections 701.707, <br />5. jurisdiction /1�gericywill submit a monthly report to OCTA's Community Transportation Services <br />Department as illustrated in Attachment 3. <br />&, jurisdiction /Agency will participate in QCTA marketing and outreach efforts to encourage use of <br />fixed route transit service by older adults. <br />7, jurisdiction / will note QCTA sponsorship In anypromotional material for service funded <br />under this agreernen t and will display an DCTA Senior Mobility Program logo on vehicles used in <br />this program (cxcludirrg WKl9). <br />8. lurisdictic n /Agency will ensure that It maintains adequate oversight and control over all aspects <br />of services that are provided by a contracted vendor, <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, has formally adopted the Senior Mobility Program Scope of Work <br />as written above. <br />AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE <br />d tt 1. <br />Name: Gerardo Mouet <br />Title: Gerardo Mouet <br />QCTA REPRESENTATIVE <br />Name: .Beth McCormick <br />Title: General Manager, Transit <br />IA3i I C MI <br />25B -13 <br />