..,eaeJ 4. VIM,) lirC`Iffi ne of f d le Log I)6 Itwl I, .tstit lA ir7x f,fiiOa liL feltitf F(lui C'fy Mtdtl(?Sar(IS chi +_)OtiH:!'i in
<br />the - '.Secontleary Stnudard:, "7
<br />Constituents that are grouped in the primary standards section may be unhealthy at certain levels. Constitu-
<br />ents that are grouped under the secondary standards section can affect the appearance, taste and smell of
<br />water, but do not affect the safety of the water unless they also have a primary standard. Some constituents
<br />(e.g., aluminum) have two different MCLs (Maximum Contaminent Level), one for health - related impacts, and
<br />another for non- health - related impacts not related to health.
<br />5 Howdoikrmnv harmmuchofa eonsfitueatt k tan illy water and ifn iiofasafr1� °vrl?
<br />With a taw exceptions, if the average amount of a cmtsti tuent €aund in tap water over the course of a year
<br />is no greater than the MCL, than the regulatory requirements are considered to be satisfied. The highest and
<br />lowest levels measured overa year are shown in the range. Requirements for safety, appearance, tasteand
<br />smell are based oil the average levels recorded and not the range.
<br />FfnwCIO (onmtu €attrjet into rare vflfE.f
<br />Drinking water (tap water and bottled watery comes h am rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoit's, springs,
<br />and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring
<br />minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pickup substances resulting from the presence of
<br />animals or human activity. The most likely source for each constituent is listed in the last column of the table.
<br />r 7 7, At thew aiiy potentik;f soOwCos of <orlturuintrtivrr in caul sq,tearr'
<br />An assessment of the drinking water wells for the City of Santa Ana was completed in December 2013.
<br />The City wells are considered most vulnerable to the following activities associated with contaminants
<br />detected In the water supply: historic agricultural activities, golf courses, and application of fertilizers.
<br />The City's wePs are considered most vulnerable to the, following activities not associated with detected
<br />contaminates: chemical /petroleum pipelines, chennicallpetraleum processing/st'ores, dry cleaners, gas
<br />stakions,Junkls ¢ raplsalvage yards, mekal platinpfhnlshing /fabrlcatiorr, plest.Ics /synthetics pradueers, and
<br />sewer collection systems.
<br />For morelnformation,contact.,
<br />Santa Ana city Council
<br />If you would like to be involved in issues and decisions that affect 20 Civic Center Plaza
<br />the quality and cast of your drinking water, City Council meetings P.O. Box 1988, M31
<br />are open to the public and hell at 5:45 p.mc on the first and third Santa Ana, CA 92702
<br />Tuesday of each month. The meeting location is at City Council phone: 714 -647 -6900
<br />Chambers, 22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92761. fax: 714- 647 -6954
<br />75C -22
<br />3
<br />A
<br />..,eaeJ 4. VIM,) lirC`Iffi ne of f d le Log I)6 Itwl I, .tstit lA ir7x f,fiiOa liL feltitf F(lui C'fy Mtdtl(?Sar(IS chi +_)OtiH:!'i in
<br />the - '.Secontleary Stnudard:, "7
<br />Constituents that are grouped in the primary standards section may be unhealthy at certain levels. Constitu-
<br />ents that are grouped under the secondary standards section can affect the appearance, taste and smell of
<br />water, but do not affect the safety of the water unless they also have a primary standard. Some constituents
<br />(e.g., aluminum) have two different MCLs (Maximum Contaminent Level), one for health - related impacts, and
<br />another for non- health - related impacts not related to health.
<br />5 Howdoikrmnv harmmuchofa eonsfitueatt k tan illy water and ifn iiofasafr1� °vrl?
<br />With a taw exceptions, if the average amount of a cmtsti tuent €aund in tap water over the course of a year
<br />is no greater than the MCL, than the regulatory requirements are considered to be satisfied. The highest and
<br />lowest levels measured overa year are shown in the range. Requirements for safety, appearance, tasteand
<br />smell are based oil the average levels recorded and not the range.
<br />FfnwCIO (onmtu €attrjet into rare vflfE.f
<br />Drinking water (tap water and bottled watery comes h am rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoit's, springs,
<br />and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring
<br />minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pickup substances resulting from the presence of
<br />animals or human activity. The most likely source for each constituent is listed in the last column of the table.
<br />r 7 7, At thew aiiy potentik;f soOwCos of <orlturuintrtivrr in caul sq,tearr'
<br />An assessment of the drinking water wells for the City of Santa Ana was completed in December 2013.
<br />The City wells are considered most vulnerable to the following activities associated with contaminants
<br />detected In the water supply: historic agricultural activities, golf courses, and application of fertilizers.
<br />The City's wePs are considered most vulnerable to the, following activities not associated with detected
<br />contaminates: chemical /petroleum pipelines, chennicallpetraleum processing/st'ores, dry cleaners, gas
<br />stakions,Junkls ¢ raplsalvage yards, mekal platinpfhnlshing /fabrlcatiorr, plest.Ics /synthetics pradueers, and
<br />sewer collection systems.
<br />For morelnformation,contact.,
<br />Santa Ana city Council
<br />If you would like to be involved in issues and decisions that affect 20 Civic Center Plaza
<br />the quality and cast of your drinking water, City Council meetings P.O. Box 1988, M31
<br />are open to the public and hell at 5:45 p.mc on the first and third Santa Ana, CA 92702
<br />Tuesday of each month. The meeting location is at City Council phone: 714 -647 -6900
<br />Chambers, 22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92761. fax: 714- 647 -6954
<br />75C -22
<br />