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Local Assistance Procedures Manual <br />1. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (DBE) <br />Under 49 CFR 26.13(b): <br />City # 15-6830 <br />FED # HSIPL 5063(154) <br />Exhibit 12-G <br />Required Federal -aid Contract Language <br />The contractor, subrecipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, <br />national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out <br />applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 26 in the award and administration of DOT -assisted <br />contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this <br />contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient <br />deems appropriate. <br />Take necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that DBEs have opportunity to participate in the contract (49 <br />CFR 26). <br />To ensure equal participation of DBEs provided in 49 CFR 26.5, the Agency shows a goal for DBEs <br />Make work available to DBEs and select work parts consistent with available DBE subcontractors and <br />suppliers. <br />Meet the DBE goal shown elsewhere in these special provisions or demonstrate that you made adequate good <br />faith efforts to meet this goal. <br />It is your responsibility to verify that the DBE firm is certified as DBE at date of bid opening. For a list of <br />DBEs certified by the California Unified Certification Program, go to: <br /> oay/hq/bep/find certified hum. <br />All DBE participation will count toward the California Department of Transportation's federally mandated <br />statewide overall DBE goal. <br />Credit for materials or supplies you purchase from DBEs counts towards the goal in the following manner: <br />• 100 percent counts if the materials or supplies are obtained from a DBE manufacturer. <br />• 60 percent counts if the materials or supplies are obtained from a DBE regular dealer. <br />• Only fees, commissions, and charges for assistance in the procurement and delivery of <br />materials or supplies count if obtained from a DBE that is neither a manufacturer nor regular <br />dealer. 49 CFR 26.55 defines "manufacturer" and "regular dealer." <br />You receive credit towards the goal if you employ a DBE trucking company that performs a commercially <br />useful function as defined in 49 CFR 26.55(d)(1) through (4) and (6). <br />a. DBE Commitment Submittal <br />Submit the Exhibit 15-G Local Agency Bidder DBE Commitment (Construction Contracts) form, included in <br />the Bid book. If the form is not submitted with the bid, remove the form from the Bid book before submitting <br />your bid. <br />If the DBE Commitment form is not submitted with the bid, the apparent low bidder, the 2nd low bidder, and <br />the 3rd low bidder must complete and submit the DBE Commitment form to the Agency. DBE Commitment <br />form must be received by the Agency no later than 4:00 p.m. on the 4th business day after bid opening. <br />Other bidders do not need to submit the DBE Commitment form unless the Agency requests it. If the Agency <br />requests you to submit a DBE Commitment form, submit the completed form within 4 business days of the <br />request. <br />Submit written confirmation from each DBE stating that it is participating in the contract. Include <br />confirmation with the DBE Commitment form. A copy of a DBE's quote will serve as written confirmation <br />that the DBE is participating in the contract. <br />If you do not submit the DBE Commitment form within the specified time, the Agency will find your bid <br />nonresponsive. <br />Page 2 of 22 <br />DLA -OR 13-06 August 12, 2013 <br />