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in. Contractor will comply, and all its subcontractors will comply, with all applicable standards, <br />orders or requirements issued under Section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857(h)), Section 508 of <br />the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order 11738, and the Environmental Protection Agency <br />regulations (40 CFR part 15), as applicable, <br />n. Contractor will comply, and all its subcontractors will comply, with all requirements of the <br />Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94 -163, 89 Stat. 871), (53 FR 8078, 8087, Mar. 11, 1988, <br />as amended at 60 FR 19639, 19645, Apr. 19, 1995), as applicable. <br />o. Contractor will comply, and all its subcontractors will comply, with all requirements of <br />Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery <br />Act, as applicable. <br />P. Contractor agrees that the Department of Homeland Security shall have the authority to <br />seek patent rights for any process, product, invention or discovery developed and paid for with funding <br />through this Agreement based on the requirements of 37 CFR§ 401, as applicable. <br />q Contractor may copyright any books, publications or other copyrightable materials <br />developed in the course of or under this Agreement. However, the federal awarding agency, State <br />Administrative Agency (SAA), and City reserve a royalty -free, non - exclusive, and irrevocable license to <br />reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for federal government, SAA and /or <br />City purpose: <br />(1) the copyright in any work developed through this Agreement; and <br />(2) any rights of copyright to which the Contractor purchases ownership with support through <br />this grant. The Federal government's, SAA's and City's rights identified above must be conveyed to the <br />publisher and the language of the publisher's release form must ensure the preservation of these rights. <br />23. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />a. Each undersigned represents and warrants that its signature herein below has the power, <br />authority slid right to bind their respective parties to each of the terms of this Agreement, <br />and shall indemnify City fully, including reasonable costs and attorney's fees, for any <br />injuries or damages to City in the event that such authority or power is not, in fact, held by <br />the signatory or is withdrawn. <br />All Exhibits referenced herein and attached hereto shall be incorporated as if fully set forth <br />in the body of this Agreement, <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the date and year first above <br />written, <br />ATTEST: CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Maria D. Huizar <br />Cleric of the Council <br />David Cavazos <br />City Manager <br />251 -45 <br />