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Contractor, Amec Foster Wheeler <br />Tabletop Exercises (TTX) are Intended to generate discussion of various <br />Description <br />Variables <br />Issues regarding a hypothetical simulated emergency, They can be used <br />to enhance general awareness, validate plans and procedures, rehearse <br />concepts, and /or assess the types of systems needed to guide the <br />Participants (a), <br />prevention of, protection from, mltigatlon of, response to, and recovery <br />Facilitation, Hours, <br />$25,000- $50,000 <br />from a defined Incident. The effectiveness of a TTX is derived from the <br />Materials, Location, <br />a specific function or capability In a single agency or organization. Drills <br />energetic Involvement of participants and their assessment of <br />Reporting /Plans <br />recommended revisions to current policies, procedures, and plans; <br />Materials, <br />Site /Mgt. <br />therefore facilitation Is critical to keeping participants focused on <br />procedures, or practice and maintain current skills. For every drill, <br />exercise Objectives. <br />clearly defined plans, procedures, and protocols need to be In place. <br />B) Cperatlon -Based Exercises - used to validate plans, policies, agreements, and procedures; clarify roles and responsibilities; and identify resource gaps. <br />Exercises are characterized by actual reaction to on exercise scenario, such as Initiating communications or mobilizing personnel and resources, ( *Note; <br />Estimated casts are example costs only and depict a range that an exercise may fall within. Actual costs can vary and Is dependent an the size, scope, and <br />variables Involved with a particular exercise) <br />Exercise Type <br />Description <br />Variables <br />Range d <br />(Estimateaced) <br />Preparation, <br />Planning Meetings, <br />A drill Is a coordinated, supervised activity usually employed to validate <br />Participants ( #), <br />a specific function or capability In a single agency or organization. Drills <br />Facilitation, Hours, <br />are commonly used to provide training on new equipment, validate <br />Materials, <br />Site /Mgt. <br />Drill <br />procedures, or practice and maintain current skills. For every drill, <br />$30,000- $75,000 <br />clearly defined plans, procedures, and protocols need to be In place. <br />Locations, <br />Reporting /Plans, <br />Personnel need to be familiar with those plans and trained In the <br />processes and procedures to be drilled. <br />Travel & Expenses, <br />Moulage, Media, <br />Volunteer <br />Coordination <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />25H -48 <br />