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https: / / /traininq for further information regarding state and federal <br />guidelines for Department of Homeland Security grants. If any portion of the training <br />course occurs outside of the classroom, an Environmental & Historic Preservation (EHP) <br />approval must be obtained from FEMA /Cal QES prior to delivery of the course. The EHP <br />approval is location specific and if an EHP approval is required, one must be obtained <br />for each location where the course is delivered. It shall be the responsibility of the <br />Proposer to complete all of the forms and documentation necessary to obtain the <br />required approvals. The ASAUA Homeland Security Regional Training and Exercise <br />Program Manager will assist the Proposer with the submission of the requests for <br />approval. The City shall not be billed for any costs associated with obtaining these <br />approvals. <br />6. The Proposer shall offer course content that satisfy the five preparedness priorities <br />identified in the ASAUA Multiyear Training & Exercises plan. The ASAUA MTEP is <br />attached for reference. <br />7. The Proposer shall provide all required training material, handouts, course syllabus <br />and /or written curriculum, <br />8. The Proposer shall collect written survey comments /course evaluations from <br />participants at the conclusion of every course offered. Survey /course evaluations will <br />be conducted in a manner specified by the City. A standardized course survey form <br />will be provided to the successful proposers. <br />9. The City reserves the right to cancel the training course with fourteen (14) calendar <br />days' notice of delivery date, and not be charged for the class, travel costs, or training <br />materials by the vendor. <br />10. Proposer shall provide and assign high quality instructors on a consistent basis to <br />deliver the specified courses. <br />11. All instructors shall use the methods suggested by the training protocols established <br />such as maintaining and updating each training syllabus, introducing and following <br />objectives for each class, completing training as described, and utilizing training aids <br />such as audio /visual systems. <br />PrQ No 16 -068 <br />25H -51 Page 15 <br />