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25. Proposers shall ensure that training participants are members of agencies or <br />organizations located or operating within the ASAUA, or have been approved by the <br />ASAUA Training & Exercise Program Manager or his designee. <br />26. Proposer shall ensure that, when required, an Environmental Historic Preservation <br />(EHP) approval has been issued to the ASAUA before delivery of the training course. <br />It shall be the responsibility of the Proposer to complete all of the forms and <br />documentation necessary to obtain the required EHP approvals. The ASAUA <br />Homeland Security Regional Training and Exercise Program Manager will assist the <br />Proposer with the submission of the requests for approval. The City shall not be <br />billed for any costs associated with obtaining these approvals. <br />27. Upon award of an agreement, the City will request a firm proposal from the approved <br />qualified training provider on their proposed training courses whenever the need <br />arises. <br />3.1.1 DELIVERABLES /REPORTS FOR TRAINING COURSES <br />1. Course Surveys / Evaluations <br />a. The course surveys / evaluations results will be tabulated and scored by <br />the Proposer. Summary of the results will be provided to the ASAUA <br />Training & Exercise Program Manager. <br />b. Completed course survey /evaluation forms will be provided to the ASAUA <br />Training & Exercise Program Manager within 30 days of delivery of the <br />training course, <br />2. Proposer must provide course flyers for all training courses to be delivered by <br />Proposer. <br />3. Proposer will provide to the ASAUA Training & Exercise Program Manager all rosters <br />and sign -in sheets upon completion of the training course for all training courses <br />delivered. <br />RFQ No. 16 -068 <br />25H -54 Rage 18 <br />