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Mitre-Ramirez, Norma <br /> From: Angie Blas < <br /> Sent Tuesday, September 06, 2016 9:57 AM <br /> To: eComment <br /> Subject: Business Calendar on Agenda 85A <br /> Attachments: OC bus terminal v4.JPG; OC bus terminal v3.JPG; OC bus terminal.pdf <br /> Categories: DONE, Correspondence <br /> Hello, <br /> Concern citizen from Memory Lane/Bristol, <br /> I believe that transferring the homeless shelter one block down will not solve this crisis. You are relocating the crisis <br /> closer to the downtown area. What will happened during our close events at downtown Santa Ana? <br /> What is the impact on the business around the area and the neighborhood and work/living studios? <br /> By relocating the homeless people to an abandon island does not fix this problem and it will create additional problems. <br /> This abandon bus terminal is located between 5th St. &Santa Ana Blvd.Both of these streets are one way directions and <br /> many cars pass by at fast speeds, if homeless people are trying to cross the streets with their materials,they can be an <br /> interference to traffic or even worst, they can be involved in fatal accidents. <br /> Has there been a safety survey around the area that you are trying to relocate these homeless people?If so,what are the <br /> concerns of the business around the downtown area? <br /> This quick idea will not only create additional issue but many fatal accidents as well. Please consider other plans that <br /> can help the whole community not only the area in front of Civic Center. <br /> Thank you, <br /> Angie Blas <br /> BUSINESS CALENDAR <br /> COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM-Pursuant to Santa Ana Charter Section 411, any member of the City Councilmay piaci <br /> 85A. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AS THEY RELATE TO HOMELESSNESS—Mayor Pro Tern Sarmieni <br /> RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Adopt a resolution declaring a Public Health and Safety Homeless Cris <br /> services at the Santa Ana Transit Terminal that the County owns and controls. 2 Approve letter from the <br /> support of said action. <br /> MATERIALS`=?, <br /> 1 <br />