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City Council (2004 - Present)
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9/6/2016 3:52:27 PM
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�PANq <br /> N S <br /> 4 ,.. <br /> Building Healthy <br /> Communities Santa Ana Building Healthy Communities <br /> 1505 E 17th St,Suite 111, Santa Ana, CA 92705 <br /> PHONE: (714) 617-8891 I FAX: (714)647-0901 <br /> September 6,2016 <br /> Mayor Miguel Pulido and Members of the City Council <br /> City of Santa Ana <br /> 20 Civic Center Plaza <br /> P.O. Box 1988,M31 <br /> Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br /> RE: Resolution Declaring a Public Health and Safety Crisis to Homelessness in the Santa Ana Civic <br /> Center <br /> Dear Mayor Pulido and Members of the City Council: <br /> We write this letter on behalf of Santa Ana Building Healthy Communities (SABHC). SABHC is a <br /> community health initiative that brings together dozens of local non-profit organizations as well as youth <br /> and adult resident stakeholders to collectively problem-solve and address health related issues in our city. <br /> As such,homelessness is a critical issue to our initiative. <br /> Collectively, we urge you to reject the resolution declaring a public health and safety crisis related to <br /> homelessness in the Santa Ana Civic Center. The proposed resolution recommends removing people <br /> living in the Civic Center, by use of force if necessary, to a now-shuttered bus terminal, which currently <br /> does not meet high health and regulatory standards. The resolution would additionally increase law <br /> enforcement presence in order to monitor and increase the filing of municipal code and nuisance <br /> ordinance violations in the Civic Center. Although the resolution cites public health and safety concerns <br /> as the justification for the proposed strategy,it should be rejected for the following reasons: <br /> First, we recognize the public health concerns in the Civic Center. However, these issues arise not from <br /> the people living in the Civic Center, but from the historic city and county negligence of this particular <br /> demographic within our communities. City governments and county departments have for <br /> decades neglected the basic needs of the homeless population. Resources for housing, adequate restroom <br /> facilities, showers, food, and other necessities have not been allocated effectively. Instead, police <br /> departments from neighboring cities have been complicit in creating this problem. It is common <br /> knowledge that police officers from South County will often times drive their homeless population over <br /> to Civic Center. The resolution does not address any of these concerns. <br /> Second, we reject the presumption that sound and effective health and public safety policy begins with <br /> punitive enforcement measures. Effective public policy should be data-driven and balanced in its <br /> approach. As it stands, the resolution would earmark additional funds for security and police officers that <br /> would patrol the area without allocating equal amount of resources to address the needs of the people <br /> living there. The resolution fails to propose an effective approach that involves working with the <br /> homeless population and homeless serving organizations in order to reach solid solutions. Instead, the <br /> resolution further stigmatizes the homeless community by labeling it a health and safety threat when the <br />
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