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Portion, FCC Monitoring Station g�37 <br />Santa Ana, California b00i; i,,u 695 <br />9- Z- Calif -596 -6 <br />(City of Santa Ana) <br />thereof, to the full, unrestricted possession, control and <br />use or the promises, or any part thereat, without charge, <br />EXCEPT that the Party of the First Part shall be responsible <br />during the period of such use, if occurring within a period <br />of twenty (20) years from the date of this conveyance, for <br />the entire oast of maintaining the premises, or any portion <br />thereof, so used, and shall pay a fair rental for the use of <br />any inatallations or atructurea which have bean added tharato <br />without Federal aid; PROVIOgO, HOWEVER, that if such use is <br />required after the expiration of a period of twenty (20) <br />years from the date of thin conveyance, the Party of the <br />First Part $hall pay a fair rental for the entire Parana of <br />the promises so used, <br />5) As part of the consideration for this deed the Party <br />of the ,Second Part, by acceptance thereof, covenants and <br />agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, that (1) the <br />program for or in connection with which this dead is made <br />will be conducted in compliance with, and the Party of the <br />Second Part, its successors and assigns, will comply with, <br />and will require any other person (any legal entity) who <br />through contractual or other arrangements with the Perry of <br />the Second Part, its successors or assigns, is authorized <br />to provide Services or benefits under Said program to comply <br />with, all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the tegulA- <br />tiona of the General Services Administration as in affect on <br />Chu data of this dead (41 CPR Subpart 101.6.2) issued under <br />the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; <br />(2) this covenant shall be subject in all respects to the <br />provisions of said regulations; (a) the Party of the Second <br />Pert, its Successors and'asstgna, will promptly take and <br />continue to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate <br />this covenant; (4) the United States shall have the right to <br />seek judicial enforcement of this covenant, and (5) the Party <br />of the Second Part, its successors and assigns, will (a) <br />obtain from each other person (any legal entity) who, through <br />contractual or other arrangements with the Party of Cho Second <br />Part, its successors or assigns, is authorized to provide <br />services or benefits under said program, a written agreement <br />pursuant to which such other person shall, with respect to <br />the services or benefits which he is authorized to provide, <br />undertake for himealf the Same obligations as those imposed <br />upon the Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns, <br />by this covenant, and (b) furnish the original of such agree- <br />ment to the Secretary of the Interior, or his successor, upon <br />his request therefor. This covenant shall run with the land <br />hereby conveyed, and shall in any event, without regard to <br />technical classification or designation, legal or otherwise, <br />be binding to the fullest extent permitted by law and equity <br />far the benefit of, and in favor of the Party of the First <br />Part and enforceable by the Party of.. the First Part against <br />the Party of the gocand Part, its sucaaseors'and assigns, <br />in the event of any breach of any condition or covenant herein <br />contained, regardless of the cause of such breach, all right, title, and <br />interest in and to the shave described property, in its than existing <br />condition, including all improvements thereon, shall revert to and be- <br />- <br />