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y 3 <br />Portion VC Monitoring Station <br />Santa And, California g Se'&3' r,'ra�2,l 2 11 94 -Calif -598 -5 <br />(City of $onto Ana) <br />or assigns, is authorized to provide services or benefits . <br />under ssid program to comply with, all requirements imposed <br />by or•pitfeuaht to'the.regulations of the General services <br />Administration at in affection the date of� this dead (41 <br />CPR Subpart 101 -6.2) issued under -the provisions of Title <br />VI of the Civ11 Rights Act of 1964; (2) this covenant shall <br />be subject in all, reapects to the provisions of said regu- <br />lations; (5) -tbe Party of the Sacaad'Part, its successor <br />and assigns, will promptly take, and continue to take ouch <br />action as may be necessary to affectuata this aovanent; (4) s <br />the United States shall have the right to seek judicial <br />enforcement of this covenant, and (5) the Party of the " <br />Second Part, and assigns, Will (a) obtain <br />from each other person (any legal antity),�whc, through, , <br />contractual of other arrangements with the Party of the <br />Second Part; its successors of assigns, is authorized ,to <br />provide aervioes or benefits under,aaid program, ,a written <br />agreement pursuant to which such other person shall, with <br />-reapact to the services or benefits which he is authorized <br />to provide, undertake for himself the some obligations as <br />those imposed upon the Party of the Second Pare, its Ounnes- <br />aora and assigns, by this covenant, and (b) furnish the <br />original of ouch agreement to the Secretary of the Interior, <br />or his successor, upon his request therefor, This covenant <br />shall run with the land hereby conveyed, '.and shall to any <br />event, witbout regard to technical alaseificatton or desig- <br />nation, legal of otherwise, be binding to the fullest emtent <br />permitted by law and equity far the benefit of, and in favor <br />of the Party of the First Part and enforceable by the Party <br />of the First Part against the Party of the Second Part, its <br />successors and 9ootgns, <br />6) The Party of the Second Part, its successors and <br />assigns covenant and #Brea as a part of the conaideratibh of <br />this conveyance that they will not use nor permit a use of <br />the land herein conveyed to such a manner an to cause olettro- <br />magnetin radiation capable of causing interference of any kind <br />whatsoever that will impede or dimioiah in any way the efficient <br />monitoring operation of the United State$ Government Monitoring <br />Station located on land adjacent to the land conveyed by this <br />ins troment, She Party of the Second Part, its successors and <br />assigns further covenant and agree not to install or permit to <br />be installed on the land herein described say device or devicea, <br />mechanical, electrical or otherwise causing or likely to cause <br />interference of any kind whatsoever with the reception of radio <br />signala at the aforesaid United States Government Monitoring <br />Station, The Party of the Second Part„ its anaceaoors and <br />assign also covenant'and agree not to build or permit to be <br />built on said land a tower or any othex kind' of structure of <br />more than 100 feet in height above- ground without written per- <br />mission from the Federal Coamunicatioha Commission. The cove - <br />nants in this paragraph 6 shall run With, the land, be binding <br />upon the parties and all persona claiming dpdor,them until such " <br />title as the adjacent Federal Communications Covaateaion moottortug <br />station property is vacated by the gaited States Government. <br />9 a <br />