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V.S. DeP;ntment oflustice <br />Office OFJustice Programs <br />Bureau ofdnstleeAssistance <br />PROJECT MUNIBER 1016[)1- 11XA746 <br />sVC0,41, CONDITrO,vs <br />I. AprlicamIityorPart 200 Uniform Requirements <br />'the Unitbtm Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, us, adopted <br />and sapplmnentad by fhu Deparunent orrosdce (00J) in 2 C.F_R. Pan 2900 (tagetter, the "Part 200 fhdlbrm <br />Requirements,,) apply to this 2016 award From the OMoe urJuatice Programs (OJP). <br />Tire Part 200 rhurorm Regniromerlor were Oust adopted by DOl on December 26, 2014. If this 2016 owed <br />supplemenes buds previously awarded by Gin under the sauna award numberi¢,g„ Ponds awaMed in 2014 . or earlier <br />Years), the Part 200 Uniform Requirements apply with respect to all finds under that award number (regardless o r the <br />award date, gad regardless ofwheiher derived from the [runnel award or a supplemental award) that are obligated on or <br />a Rot tine acceptance aatp or this .20 -t6 award. <br />For more InfbmreFon and resources on the Pa <br />( " rt 200 Unifumt Requirements as they relate m OJP awwds and subawmds 64tbgrnnls "), gee the Offlen of.Nsdce Programs IMP) Welland at <br />hnP:l /ojp gov/ t6udinguPart200UnifemiRequirementshin t. <br />in the event that an award, related question crises from documents or other materials prepared Or distributed. by OJP <br />that may Appear to conflict with, dr differ in some way Ganr, the provisions o f the Pan 200 Unitdmt RgquiretnenY,v,. the <br />recipient is to contact CUP promptly for clarif cutlnu. <br />AWARD CONTINUATION <br />SHEET <br />Grant <br />AWARD DATIR 081162016 <br />PAU ± Or to <br />2 Compliance will[ IM Grants Financial Guide <br />The recipient agrees to comply wit, tire Department ofjnstice (items Fimmeia Guide as posted oil the OJP Wallace <br />(currently the 2015 DOJ Grams Pmmtefnl Guide ")„including any <br />period ofiwrfornaauce. updated version lion may he posted during the <br />]_ Required training tar Point ofComact and all Financial Points of Contact <br />Both Die PointorCumaer( POC) and all Financial Points OFContact(FPOCs) for this award must have lic=3holly <br />completed an "OUP fmanchm management and grant admhushnion traimug" by 120 days alter the date of [Ito <br />recipient's acceptance arthe award, Suecessttl completion of such a training an oratier Jam my 1.22013, will satisfy <br />this condition. <br />In the event that - either the POC or an FPOC Car this award changes major; tile period of performance, the now POC or <br />FP0C must have successfully completed an "OJ P Financial mwtagunr ;nt and grant administration training' by 120 <br />calendar days after._ (1) the date of OUP's approval uftm 'Change Grantee contact "GAN (Ira the case Ora new <br />POC),, or (2) the date the POC enters information on tiro new FPOC in "is (m the case Ora new PPOG). Successful <br />completion nria lr n training on or alter January 1, 2015, will satisfy this condition. <br />A list of 01P trainings that 0Jp will consider OJP financial management and grant administration traimng" for <br />purposes of this condition is available at lntP : //www_ojpgom'trainmg/fints.lpm. All trainings lhatsmjsfy -this'condition <br />htetude a session on grant fraud prevention . and detection <br />TIM recipimltshouid anticipate that OJp will hnumdulady withhold ( "tieez <br />ard, e ") award fiends irthe reclpiom fails to <br />comply with this condttipn. The recipient's failure 7a comply also may l¢nd OJP mFmpasg sdditiona[ appropriate <br />condidona on this aw <br />OJP FORRI 1000r2 rRRV. 0.48) <br />25H -31 <br />Page 6 of 20 <br />