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4. PUBLIC HEARING - AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AND <br />ESCROW INSTRUCITONS FOR 542 E. CENTRAL AVENUE (APN # 016-082-48) <br />{STRATEGIC PLAN NO. 5, 31 <br />Legal Notice published in the Orange County Reporter on August 26, 2016 and September <br />2, 2016. <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION.• <br />1. Adopt a resolution making certain findings with respect to the consideration to <br />be received by the Housing Authority as the Housing Successor Agency <br />pursuant to a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Housing Authority of <br />the City of Santa Ana and Our Lady of Guadalupe Church (Delhi) for sale of <br />property located at 542 E. Central Avenue (APN # 016-082-48), and authorize <br />the Executive Director to execute all required documents as necessary. <br />2. Authorize the Executive Director and Recording Secretary to execute the <br />Purchase and Sale Agreement and all required documents for the sale of real <br />property, by and between the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Ana and <br />our Lady of Guadalupe Church (Delhi), located at 542 E. Central Avenue (APN <br /># 016-082-48) in the amount of $270,000 plus closing costs and escrow fees, <br />subject to non -substantive changes approved by the Executive Director and the <br />Authority General Counsel. <br />***END OF BUSINESS CALENDAR*** <br />COMMENTS <br />5. HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBER COMMENTS <br />AT THIS TIME Housing Authority members may comment on non -agenda matters and <br />ask questions of or give directions to staff. NO action may be taken on non -agenda items <br />unless authorized bylaw. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA 4 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 <br />